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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Thanks Gaius But I'll pull through, either that or pull the tooth 🤣
  2. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    No smoking for me today, I've got a raging toothache, and it just happens to be in the very spot, that I like to sit my pipe, yes I know I should try another spot for the stem, but I'm a creature of habit, and a stubborn cus, and I keep forgetting, and hence keep banging the sore tooth. So I'm...
  3. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Dinner is going to be a little later than anticipated. So on this momentous day, I'll grab a bowl of Choctaw in my Grandfather's Edwardian Henry Tounge Bulldog and give thanks to those who gave so much.
  4. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good evening my fellow BoBs. I don't know if it's just me but, I'm having problems with the BoB app on my phone today, A lot of times it wasn't working, and when it did, I tried to post a few times, and it just wasn't having it. Anyway, I've just loaded some Erinmore in a Falcon, fitted with a...
  5. Zippo

    Greetings, Salutations, Hello, Et cetera…

    Hello Bill And a warm welcome to BoB. As an Englishman, Smoking corn cob pipes seems foreign to us. However so many people on here swear by them, so much so that I bought one to try, and then another, and another still. In other words, the advice from the BoB is spot on, and cobs are worthy...
  6. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    That's an extremely kind, and nice thing to say, thanks Buddy. Also I agree with you on our fellow BoBs and the great range of knowledge they share, along with their pictures
  7. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    So it's been a wet and horrible day in England today. Something all Englishmen will be discussing and moaning about in the pub tonight. Not that I shall be debating alongside of them, as it being Tuesday, it's a night of online gaming with friends across the world. But before then, and before...
  8. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I always enjoy the thought and composition you put into your photos Swede buddy.
  9. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    A very good afternoon my friends and fellow BoBs. A bit of a late start for me today, but now Mrs Z has me safely installed in my den, and I'm about to fill a sterling silver collared Petersons Army XL21 Bulldog from their evening series, with some delicious CS Choctaw gifted by mine, and...
  10. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    More yummy Choctaw In a Savinelli Oscar Tiger. Before heading down to the village for a meal n pint. I simply love this Choctaw, in fact I haven't tasted a country squires blend that I have disliked yet, you American guys are so lucky to have access to this exceptional tobacconist.
  11. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good Afternoon my friends and fellow BoBs. Well what can I say, after an enforced hiatus from smoking all last week. I'm finally able to have my first smoke, in what seems like an eternity. I've chosen (to mark this auspicious occasion) with CS Choctaw. Gifted by my great buddy Ranger, thank you...
  12. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good Afternoon friends and fellow BoBs. Well it's a typically wet bank holiday Monday here in blighty, but the sun is trying to make an appearance. Today I thought I'd start my smokes in a 1964 Dunhill group 4 Shell Briar. This pipe use to belong to my Father, and was his pride and joy. Mainly...
  13. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Hi Singed The Savinelli Turtuga series has a turtle effect stem and a special cap in the same material, convenient to keep a tobacco filled pipe inside your pocket without spillage.
  14. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good Afternoon my friends and fellow BoBs. A much nicer day today in the UK. So myself and Mrs Z have been out and about, doing various bits & bobs. But now im home, it's time to have a decent relaxed smoke. So I'm about to fill a Savinelli Tortuga 614, with some Savinelli Leonardo. I hope...
  15. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Welcome aboard David
  16. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Good Afternoon my friends and fellow BoBs 😊. It's another miserable day here in old blighty, in fact it's been wet and dismal all week. But at least it's not cold, which I really dislike. But anyway, today I thought I'd start with some CS Cherokee in a Savinelli Oscar Tiger 626 (sounds like I'm...
  17. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    @Eutychus @EZONSLOW Squirrels are destructive little buggers in the UK too. And are a real pest in the Garden, however I do find them cute little critters, and I don't have the heart to shoot them. So I let Frodo chase them away, he gets the exercise, they get a fight, and I live in peace lol.
  18. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Same person that said... "If it wasn't for pickpockets I'd have no sex life at all" 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Zippo

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    OK BoBs. Pipes down for just a minute, let's send our Brother Ranger some good luck vibes. Hummmmmmmm