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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Rasher-Roll

    How hot does your electric coffee maker brew your morning coffee?

    Mine is currently set to 193 f. Not the best picture, but the only one I have on hand.
  2. Rasher-Roll

    What Are You Reading?

    I picked a copy up recently, glad to hear it’s good. I’ve been reading My Side of the Mountain which was recommended after a couple Peter Heller works, but I’m sluggish in finishing the last bit. I like the outdoor element but the lack of any real struggle in it has been a little boring. I’m...
  3. Rasher-Roll

    Age of BoB members

    I’m 32, just to help bring the average down a hair. And force somebody here to do a little more math.
  4. Rasher-Roll

    Country Squire Hunting Creek

    I have a jar with about half a pound of Shepherd’s Pie in it and I really enjoy it. I also quite like their Cowboy Coffee, especially when I’m pretending to be our friend Ranger ;)
  5. Rasher-Roll

    .22 rifles

    My first was also a 10/22. Bought it used with the composite stock and stainless barrel. It’s in my safe right now. Granted, my favorite 22 is my Henry lever action. I’m a sucker for the old fashioned, so my lever guns and single action revolvers are some of my favorites. I’ve got a ruger...
  6. Rasher-Roll

    Country Squire Hunting Creek

    I haven’t had this one yet, but I’ve been pleased with all the blends I’ve tried from CS. Their Old Toby (now tombigbee) is my go-to smoke for around people. The aroma is enticing, not offensive, to non-smokers. And one of the few aromatics that I also enjoy smoking.
  7. Rasher-Roll

    char light?

    I find I rarely abide by the “char, tamp, light, maybe tamp again” methodology. Often I can light and smoke for 20 minutes depending on the tobacco. Other times it’s ‘light, light again, try lighting a third time, refill my lighter, tamp with my finger, light again, tamp with my finger and...
  8. Rasher-Roll

    Good Evening from the UK

  9. Rasher-Roll

    What music do you listen to keep the black dog away?(Depression)

    If you like shanties, have you tried The Dreadnaughts? They’re one of my favorites. This has been a recent favorite. I have a really eclectic music taste, but some of my recurring favorites are Colter Wall, Tom Waits, First Aid Kit, Ben Caplan, Willie Watson, The White Buffalo, Dave Stamey…...
  10. Rasher-Roll

    Which Peterson pipe for a shorter smoking period while working with your hands?

    Petersons Junior lines might also be a good choice. Generally smaller dimensions and lighter pipes. I agree with the others that bent is easier to clench when working with your hands.
  11. Rasher-Roll

    Left handed pipe smokers

    I am also left handed, though I do most things right handed beside writing and shooting. I haven't ran into this problem with pipes, because I tend to prefer traditional shapes, but I could absolutely see it being an issue with certain pipes! I do have a paneled Boswell that was clearly designed...
  12. Rasher-Roll

    Greetings, Salutations, Hello, Et cetera…

    Welcome! As others have mentioned, cobs are a great choice for well-smoking but inexpensive pipes, and several different Missouri Meerschaum cobs are available on Amazon if you can't find them locally. You've got a good group of supportive and friendly folks here!
  13. Rasher-Roll

    Hello Dear Fellows

    Welcome Doc! You'll find a good group here. Generally difficult to offend, unless you have the wrong opinion about a favorite blend! ;) Glad to have you here!
  14. Rasher-Roll

    Binge-worthy TV shows?

    We recently re-watched the Sherlock series (from BBC, I believe), and I'm just finishing The North Water again, which is a piece I quite enjoy. Not sure what will be next on the list. I'm trying to focus more of my time on reading lately, if my eyes aren't too tired after work.
  15. Rasher-Roll

    Different Wallet styles.

    I've got quite a few of their products, and while they certainly are not inexpensive, their quality has been impressive! I'll have to try to get a picture over the weekend. The wallet has aged nicely and is the perfect size for me. I also have one of their Field Note notebook covers, a couple...
  16. Rasher-Roll

    Different Wallet styles.

    I've carried a Port wallet from Craft and Lore for about 5 years now. It's a small wallet that I carry in my front pocket. I've gotten away from a bifold or larger wallet and don't know that I could ever go back.
  17. Rasher-Roll


  18. Rasher-Roll

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Ironically, I’m also re-reading the Hobbit right now, as I had found a beautiful copy in a local book store, and received the same edition of The Lord Of The Rings as a Christmas gift. I found that they also offered The Silmarillion in the same style, so I grabbed that as well. I believe I...
  19. Rasher-Roll

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Recently finished bowl of CS Old Toby in my SMS meer. Waiting on rain and dreading running errands is the plan for the day.
  20. Rasher-Roll

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Started the day with coffee and bacon. Now enjoying a cup of black tea in the yard with a bowl of CS Cowboy Coffee in my Peterson copper banded Christmas pipe.