And she is channelling who...?

Brothers of Briar

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Buddy Springman

Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
So, as posted here a few days back, I bought five pounds of MB's Burley London Blend. It arrived yesterday.

When I got home from work yesterday, my wife said "There's a package on the front porch." and "I bought you something."

The delivery was the London Blend. And what she bought me - from the local cigarette outlet - was six mini cobs and two larger cobs (all MM). Out of the blue.

Prior to that, I had no cobs on hand. I'm delighted to have some new optimal pipes to consume burley in.

But I've no idea what prompted my wife to buy the cobs (she has never bought me a cob before).

She might be "lurking" on BoB for good gift ideas?

Nice haul. I like the London Burley for it's generous helpings of Vitamin N!!
Burley London Blend is one of my favorites, and is fantastic in a cob. Let us know what you think of the mini cobs, since I've never had one of them myself.
Buddy Springman":spsbxbl8 said:
But I've no idea what prompted my wife to buy the cobs (she has never bought me a cob before).


I would be very concerned. First, check to make sure she hasn't sold your car or your tools or something. Also make sure your credit card is still in your wallet. Check any dark corners of the closet for any mysterious bags which may be full of large quantities of expensive shoes/blouses/purses/etc.


If it was my wife, I would worry about who she bought the Castello 7-day set for !!!!!!!!!!!