Don't go hiking in the mountains with a new wife !!

Brothers of Briar

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What a psychobroad. :fpalm: Guy musta been majorly love-blind...this couldn't have "come out of nowhere."

"Maybe she'll change..."

(...into a emotionally-unstable killer, sure...) :lol:

Why can't people just 'walk away' from relationships, that guy is dead now because she chose to murder him rather than walk away, what a horrifying tragedy, she needs some serious psychiatric help, condolences going out to the guys family, so sad.
When I marry folks I do 3 or 4 hours of pre-marital counselling first. I have them do an online assessment that flags issues and these create talking points. I wonder about the details of this marriage and the prep for it?
What is really destroying the institution of marriage: the idea it's a final solution to a problem relationship. People don't know how or what to make of the pairing of two people any longer. It's a politics issue (if anything, between the two), to a statement, to a tax break, to an upgraded social networking status.

Spending a lifetime with a person takes work. And not many people are able to handle that anymore. That's okay, but don't get involved if you don't belong in that kind of partnership. Especially if you're capable of killing someone over it (long term, emotionally, or in this case, eight days in). :lol:

Know thyself.