Don't know for sure where to post this, but...

Brothers of Briar

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Now I understand why PA is what I have in the pouch I carry around for my 'go to' smokes during the day. :D
Excellent writer!!!!! TWO THUMBS UP!!!

Challenge: Go read, Cigar O'clock from the same blog and don't get a least a little choked up and warm n fuzzy.
Excellent !!! That says it all. Thanks Idle for passing it on for our reading pleasures.
Thanks for sharing, very well written and factual as far as I'm concerned. Like I tell my wife, smoking a pipe is not an addiction or habit its a celebration of good tobacco and briar.
Great article. Now I know why all the chicks dig me! :D :roll:

"The coolest thing about the pipe was that it didnt even have to be filled with tobacco or even lit to be cool." and "Fred MacMurray, the ultimate Dad, had a pipe."

I remember all those old Disney movies where guys walk around with their pipes and seldom did you see a puff of smoke. (I prefer to light mine though.)