Full Beard

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2008
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I've had a mustache and goatee for many years; not a full beard for about twenty. I'm not gonna touch it until May 1st; no trimming at all. Younger daughter says I'm currently looking like I should be carrying a cardboard sign and asking for spare change. LOL

Still itchy, however.
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Steve, just shave your neck and non-beard facial area; leave the rest to fill in as you're doing now. Good luck and have fun!! Said he who is going in this afternoon for a haircut (minimal!!), beard trim, and shave!!!! FTRPLT
I go back and forth between a full beard and fully shaved. I'm about to grow the beard back again ... maybe. I know I look a lot better with a beard. It makes me look like I have a chin. :)
Just like the crown of my head, my facial hair beyond my piehole is quite sparse. I've tried a beard over the years, but a goatee is all I can muster.
Just like the crown of my head, my facial hair beyond my piehole is quite sparse. I've tried a beard over the years, but a goatee is all I can muster.

Huge numbers of the global population share the sparse facial hair thing. Pretty much all of Asia as just one example. But ethnicity is just one factor. Lots going on. It’s an interesting ‘look up’ on Google.