While searching this forum I came across a mention of a smoking vest. I've seen old movies and TV shows where a character wore a smoking jacket but I don't remember ever seeing a smoking vest.
Anyone have one?
Anyone have one?
I find the leftover smell of pipe smoke to be as unpleasant as cigar or cigarette smoke. Stale tobacco smoke is stale tobacco smoke, according to my nose holes.I've read that the purpose of a smoking jacket is to provide a barrier so that your clothes don't smell of smoke. (I've seen some people wear a fez with their smoking jacket so their hair doesn't absorb the smoke.) I can see wearing a smoking jacket if you smoke cigarettes but if you smoke a pipe a vest might be more appropriate than a jacket. Who doesn't enjoy the faint smell of pipe tobacco smoke on their clothes an hour or two after finishing a pipe? That might be the reason for a smoking vest instead of a jacket ... or maybe not.
Same with sauerkraut. Love it on reuben sandwiches but hate the smell wben it's cooking.When I had a beard and smoked latakia often, one of my favorite things was getting in a hot shower and getting a strong whiff of latakia coming off my beard.
Room note is an interesting thing. When eating roasted broccoli, I love it. If not eating it, the smell is awful, and the longer it lingers in the house, the worse it gets.