The Gnarly Great Gruesome Generic Winter Holiday Mission

Brothers of Briar

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It took me a while to dig out the bomber, but I'm reporting for duty if it's not too late. I wouldn't want to miss a chance to fly with Blackhorse again!
OK - all orders but the last late set received. This’ll be a nice baker’s dozen. Way to step up guys. Amid the rush and hustle and the competing pressures of the busy take the time and make the effort to, I mean honor, yeah of our own. It brings a tear to my eye, (and a match to my fuse)...heh heh.

Oh, this one is gonna be rich.

AlphaWarrior...your prize package is ready for shipping. After your request for a specific item I took the liberty of changing up the contents of your box. Let us know how it goes.
Is this considered blue on blue?

Friendly fire isn't usually a good thing, but in this case you are free to engage.

Muzzle awareness next time, though, Brother. Continue mission.

OK boys and we go on out next contest.

You may remember that at the outset I divulged that our esteemed Commander Ozzie had been kidnapped and was being held for ransom by Teenage Mutant Ninja Physical Therapists...or some such. And that I had released our own Black Ops force to locate and free him. Well they’re just randomly circling around out there making little real headway at this point. They need help...some direction! And that’s what you’re gonna give ‘em.

A scrap of paper was found at the kidnap site, rumpled but still legible after several specific lab procedures. It reads “1-22-1-13-15”Pretty cryptic, but it’s gotta be a clue...maybe. More importantly there were also two matchbook covers. One from the RamaLamaDingDong Bar & Massage Parlor...the other from a joint called McMenamin’s. Hmmm. The addresses were smudged off, so no luck there. Dang.

The winner is the first one that names his location so our troops can zero in.
BB wins. The clue was a very simple “letter order of the alphabet” thing.

PM me your mailing address B.B...

...and stop sending things to both this thread and my box for stuff. Pick one...ONE. Every time you yahoos send me something I hafta answer it. Multiply that by however many of you there are, plus site business, plus this-n-that, etc., etc., etc. and I’m totally buried.

I’m so abused.
In order to prevent anyone getting ideas of visiting the haunts of our stalwart squadron mate, you should know that Ava is the county seat of what is commonly known amongst us old timers as, "Booger" County.

Sounds rough BH. Need l frag an additional target as a disciplinary example? Ah, the pain!
No, no...I’m just totally pissed re relatives we don’t like announcing they plan to spend Christmas at our place this year. And we still have most of the furniture stacked into the corners due to the remodel and we’re in the middle of painting the entire interior...and they plan on taking a train in but then staying at a motel, which requires us to drive everybody back and forth 4 times a day...and they’re arriving on the Thursday prior so we have ‘em for close to a week...and they all have special diets and are either too incompetent or too infirm to give any help...and all they do is bitch about life, politics and each other...want to be waited on...sit in my chair so I literally have no place to park my butt when my back starts to throb...and generally turning what should be and usually is a joy filled time into a nightmare from hell.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Jesus shoot me now!

Whew! I thought that would help...but it didn’t.

I found a one way ticket to this general area with Alligient for $165. You can hide out here at the compound, and after you've rested a little, we could hunt down our enfeebled comrade. Spend Christmas here; if you can survive Granny, we can make a few knives, introduce you to Tom, eat a whole lot more than we should. Drink a little--try to improve our chances at developing cirrhosis and lung disease, work on some cars. Might have to bring you along to work... I'll make sure my loyal wife and evil granny work OT, so we can spend it on riotous living. It sounds good. Best of all, there's a really good seat by the fire.

One of these days.