Yes, I have, RB... from this sonofabitch: was like someone took Jackknife and Escudo and rolled it into a hefty stogie and dared people to like it. I was given one by one of the workers at my local B&M, because they know I like pretty rough-and-tumble smokes, and this thing set my tongue on fire, gave me a head-rush the first ten puffs, and I had to give up on it.

With my tail between my legs, I stumbled away with a new sense of respect for this cigar.
I've had Te-Amo cigars also give me some pretty intense whole-mouth-bite, too.
For further interest and mention for the conversation:
There is a difference between tongue bite and tongue burn. Burn happens when the combustion process is delivered in a manner where the heat reaches the sensitive parts o the tongue. Steam is usually the culprit, which is the opposite of the "cool, dry smoke" we all seem to chase after one way or the other. In a cigar, if it's the first 3/4 of the stick, it's unlikely the heat is reaching the tongue before, say your fingers holding the darned thing, or it's so damned dry it mainlines all the heat right through the middle. Bite is pure chemistry--something you ate, your personal makeup, and adding the variable of a disagreeable tobacco that feels not unlike chewing on a handful of peppercorns, eating a spoonful of cayenne on a dare, or putting too much hot mustard on your egg roll. It can linger for a while, too--I've had certain tobaccos ruin my tongue for a day or two with actual bite, so when I sense it beginning, I stop right away.
Which is why that LFD Oro cigar was put down right-quick.