Planned obsolescence at its very best. It sucks.Smoking a De Paja, Capt black gold, Mug of DD coffee. I`m done with the alarm clocks for today. My wife informed me yesterday, that we need a new vacuum cleaner and was throwing away the 2 year old Shark vac. I know our vacuum cleaners are heavily used with 3 large dogs. but,2 years?
I hauled the vacuum to the workshop,it seems like the belt is stretched out,Easy ? Right?
I go to the vac repair store with the model #, The guy I know behind the counter told me shark does not make parts for their vac`s. He said I might get an aftermarket on amazon ,but the quality is not great. He told me Shark makes it almost impossible to repair their vacs. I was surprised,but This is his business-He never tried to sell me anything,I came home and looked at the vac. Trying to get it apart requires torx security screw drivers? it`s a damn vacuum cleaner! then their are plastic clips that seem to be epoxyed in place. So they have to be melted off? I guess thats why he said just chuck it and buy something different at walmart.
I guess shark just wants you to buy a new vac every other year and fill up the landfills at our expense!
I appreciate the heads up though. I was very pleased to find a replacement part for my dishwasher, shipping and all, for under $50. I spoke recently with my god brother who is a commercial kitchen appliance technician. He informed me that Canada is making it industry standard for manufacturers to make and carry replacement parts for ten years. I do not know if this is legislated or not, but it certainly drives junk manufacturers out of the market fast.
It was a coincidence that I spoke with him about it, he brought it up when I visited my Godmother recently. I actually found the replacement part myself with a little BoB encouragement. Stuff breaks and it's reasonable to expect things to be repairable.

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