Sunday morning coming down. Sprinkling, slightly cool but pleasant. There is PA in the bowl of the Rossi.

Jim,that pipe is so beautifully and thoroughly color, at first glance, I took it for briar.Now smoking KBV Night Mare beta lite in a pre-1920s medium bend brown unbranded meerschaum Rhodesian with a tapered Redmanol stem. Writing beta notes as I watch the Mets-Cardinals game.
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Not only is it Sunday, but you're listening to LOTR!Good Afternoon my friends.
A mild day in old blighty today, but not quite warm enough for me to sit outside. So I'm in the conservatory and about to fill a Petersons Churchwarden (well it is Sunday afterall). With some of Rangers blended Round Up. Listening to my favourite book, The Lord of the rings on Audible. Have a great Sunday my friends