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Brothers of Briar

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Black & Golden Cavendish in my Rossi Canadian with more coffee.

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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm smoking year 2012 Dunhill Royal Yacht in a 1970s smooth brown slight bend GBD International 9665 dublin rough top sitter with a flat bottom and a black vulcanite saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Since the rain stopped a while ago, maybe Abner the Eager will show up. Sleepy Suzy is still by my side, but I think she preferred that I didn't wake her because I'm posting this smoke.
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Just finished smoking year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 2002 smooth top, black sandblasted quarter bend military mount Karl Erik Ekstravagant horn with a horn insert in the ferrule and black acrylic stem. Couldn't post before now because Tomato the Brave decided to lay on my lap. He doesn't do that very often, so I didn't dissuade him. Neither Daisy the Feral Princess, who was on my lap earlier nor Sleepy Suzy were very thrilled about it. Oh well... I've been watching Bacall on Bogart. Not quite the title I would have suggested for this biography. ;)
It's a pleasant morning in Northern Kentucky. I'm smoking KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen's N.O. bent volcano with saddle stem, drinking Kirkland k-cup coffee, and reading a book. I plan to visit Straus Tobacconist to get Private Stock Aromatic and to ask if they can give a date when Sleepy Hollow will be available.

Good Morning!
It was a decent morning for doing chores, the ducklings did well on their first night outside. I decided to try C&D Star of the East in a bent MM Apple Diplomat as a first pipe, it's good but GLP Westminster is a better first pipe. Watching the news and enjoying a cup of coffee.

Last night we had dinner at 8 and I loaded and reloaded an MM Legend Rob Roy with C&D Stratfordshire. I was tired from a busy day and called it a day after watching some YouTube music videos.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. M'lady fed the ferals while I slept, except for the absent Abner the Eager.
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Good afternoon BoB,
A comparatively late post from me today.
Today I smoked a bowl of C&D Haunted Bookshop in my mm cob. I got a bit of that back of the throat stinging sensation I spoke about in a post weeks ago off of this blend which made me enjoy it less than I otherwise would have. I suppose I still don't know exactly what causes the sensation but I wonder if it's perique.
Enjoying fancy green tea and listening to an album by Astrud Gilberto who beautifully sang many a song in the basa nova genre.
I'll post one of the embroideries I did today for a skydiving rig because it took a lot of work to create and I'm proud of it.


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Enjoyed a tasty lunch, spent a little time with Molly Danger, and am passing the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Coffee from a freshly opened bag of Lavazza Classico, neat, is my drink.

Earlier, when I was doing walking reps, Harry the Hairy stood guard at the driveway as usual. Abner the Eager ran to me for affection and food, but he had to wait until I finished walking. As he is very scared of Harry, I picked Abner up, and brought him in to eat. He looks like he's lost a pound or two, but he's still energetic. I don't know where else he goes, but I don't think he's eating much or at all there.
I'm back from running errands today. Along the way I stopped at Straus to ask about Sleepy Hollow and found out that the 1st batch came out at the end of August, and they've been filling requests without even posting on Facebook or Instagram. They had 5 5-ounce bags in stock, so I purchased 2 of them. I'm now smoking some in my Peterson Dublin 999. Both the bag note and room note are very enjoyable. The holiday spice flavor is tasty, but the tobacco is not overwhelmed. The strength is mild. I'm told that there is a bit of a backlog getting orders out, but they will be fulfilling orders received through Oct 31, and there is no charge until the order goes out. They don't sell online, but they do take orders over the phone.

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I took my Bones Dublin to work today, not really a replacement for a cob. I spend too much time fiddling and worrying about a briar. It was nice to have a smoke at work but it feels awkward. A fifth avenue Legend is also much lighter than even a small pipe. Had a mix of CH and Velvet to smoke, that isn't a bad combination. Velvet is a bit too candy-ish on its own. I know it is anise topped but it tastes more like cinnamon candy hearts to me, or Big Red chewing gum. I'm testing out my progressive lenses as we speak. They arrived today. Both pairs look good, they're quite conservative aviator frames. The view through the new storm windows is a little trippy though, it will take a bit of practice but the improvement for both near and far is significant.


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