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Brothers of Briar

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It's a beautiful early autumn evening in the Bluegrass. I just finished bathing & drying Jacksie, then watched him do "zoomies" from the front to the rear of the house and back several times. I'm having Sutliff Black Cordial in a Monarch 1054H bent ball, a can of Coke Zero, and dipping into Lord of the Rings.

@Singed, what do you think of the Brigham insert system?
Truthfully, overkill. I find 6 mm balsa inserts to be as effective. I use both for about three bowls before changing them. The Brigham filters are certainly more expensive. If Brigham inserts get to be too expensive I will simply drop them and smoke filterless. I already use 6mm balsa inserts in place of cartridge type meer chip filters for most of my pipes and will likely go to 9 mm balsa inserts in my others. I do prefer filters, I find them effective in removing excess moisture.
Truthfully, overkill. I find 6 mm balsa inserts to be as effective. I use both for about three bowls before changing them. The Brigham filters are certainly more expensive. If Brigham inserts get to be too expensive I will simply drop them and smoke filterless. I already use 6mm balsa inserts in place of cartridge type meer chip filters for most of my pipes and will likely go to 9 mm balsa inserts in my others. I do prefer filters, I find them effective in removing excess moisture.
Now smoking KBV River of Deceit 2023 in a 1985 three quarter bend medium brown Ascorti KS Business dublin with a black acrylic saddle stem. This may get me to dinner time. Sleepy Suzy showed some jealousy over my giving Molly Danger attention. She kept trying to crawl up my leg and butting her head against my right hand, silly cat.
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Smoking a Pete Baker street. A blend of C&D Apricots & cream and Maryland tobacco. As I said in earlier post,the C&D is a good tobacco,but it needs 4-5 lights to get going. The Maryland solves the problem. Bottle of Pellegrino mineral water to pair it with.
Busy morning and early afternoon. Pipe-smoking buddy came over later in the afternoon; been out on the patio puffing away! 2008 BSOSM in an older flame-grain GBD Sovereign billiard. Followed up with P&C "Larry's Blend" in my oval-stemmed Ferndown 3* Bark Canadian complete with Les's silver band! Grand smoking briar!! Several adult beverages consumed during this time!! A good evening to all!! FTRPLT
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've passed the half way mark of this bowl from a freshly opened tin of year 2013 Capstan Blue Flake in a 2015 Ryan Alden quarter bend burgundy sandblasted Queen of Hearts freehand with a black acrylic saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Watching the Braves-Padres game. As I predicted, the Braves young rookie starter didn't even get through the second inning. I don't understand why dumb decisions that even a non-professional can see coming isn't obvious to experienced major league managers.
Now smoking a bowl from a freshly opened, heavily covered sugar crystaled tin of year 2012 Stonehaven in a straight black sandblasted 1957 Barling Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. black billiard with a silver banded military mount and a black ebonite tapered stem. This is my replacement for the Edgeworth Slices that I jarred earlier today.
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and have passed the last third of this bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. Spent all my time after watching the ball game traffic copping all the ferals. Everybody ate well, especially Tomato the Brave. Daisy the Feral Princess is not a big eater, and nibbles at her food. Harry the Hairy eats a little, drinks some water, and then eats a little more. He's not a big eater much of the time. Same goes for Abner the Eager. Tomato is by my side now; second time today. He's wanting to be with me more often lately, and I have noticed that he purrs more than he used to. The same is true for Abner, who was by my side twice today for over an hour each time. The rest of the time it was Sleepy Suzy by my side. She really doesn't like seeing others in her place. I brought Molly Danger out for a while, but after a couple of hours on m'lady's lap, she got very nervous about being in the same room with the ferals. I thought her nerves would be better since Sam and her scampers have been gone for a few months, but there hasn't been much improvement.
At the half way mark of this bowl of Watch City Queequeg’s Moby Dick Series in a slight bend smooth brown post WWII 1940s Sasieni Ivory 101 Westminster diplomat with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Tomato the Brave is snoring with a big smile on his face. He smiles a lot, but I never noticed his snoring until three months or so ago. Forgot to mention earlier that I caught Abner the Eager on his hind legs looking into the trash can. He grabbed a chicken leg, and started eating the fat and skin that I left on the bone. This is the fourth time in four days that I caught him doing something like this. He never did it before. Maybe he's tired of only eating dry food. It does explain the coffee grounds on the kitchen floor four days ago. M'lady thought that I dropped some when I emptied the container, and when I told her that I would have cleaned it up if I had, I figured that it had to be Abner's work. I didn't know he liked coffee with his chicken legs. ;)
Good morning,
Starting my day with a Bari Wiking freehand, Lane LL-7,Mug of Horton`s coffee. I was happily surprised to get a phone call last night informing me that this morning`s brunch was cancelled! I was not looking forward to being at work by 6 am. So, I have the day to work around the house. LOL!
Had a long hectic day yesterday, so getting caught up by having a bowl of 2022 C&D Carolina Red Flake in a Digby prince shape with JFG Gourmet blend coffee. I hope any BoBs in hurricane affected areas are safe and sound. Our prayers go out to those citizens in the affected states. This kind of flooding is historically devastating, and it is one of the reasons TVA put so many dams in Appalachia.
You're not kidding. The devastation in that part of the United States is so vast that it can't really be summarized. Suffice to say those people could really use some prayers because it doesn't look like they're getting much if any help.

Good morning BoB,
This morning I had some of the CH, black cav, and kentucky blend that this forum gave me the recipe for. Good stuff. Mm cob as always.
Drinking the fancy green tea I'm partial to and listening to Bob Hope. Only a few more shows of the Bob Hope Program before I've listened to each surviving broadcast.
I don't think it was an amazing show but it was endearing. I'll remember the goofy Jerry Colonna, thank you for the memories song every show, and pepsodent ads for years to come.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. All the cats have eaten. Watching Mad Dog Russo. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg