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Brothers of Briar

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Enjoyed a tasty Snap Dragon apple, and am not far from finishing this bowl of year 2018 Dunhill London Mixture in a brown medium bend 2002 Ser Jacopo Delecta Fatta A Mano R1 sandblast Rhodesian with a smooth extension at the shank with a military mount and a tapered black acrylic stem.
Just finished smoking year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 2002 smooth top, black sandblasted quarter bend military mount Karl Erik Ekstravagant horn with a horn insert in the ferrule and black acrylic stem.
Fed all the ferals except for the absent Abner the Eager, and my last smoke of the day is year 2020 Angler's Dream in a 2018 natural smooth medium bend Peterson 03 apple silver spigot military mount with a tapered black acrylic fish tail stem. Reading while this bowl lasts.
A third of the way through this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Fed my cats, and all the ferals except for the absent Tomato the Brave.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
Passing the first third of this bowl of year 2013 Rotary Navy Cut in a post-1938 Pre-Republic Peterson Dublin straight smooth X155 bulldog with a sterling silver band and a tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Nigel Bruce smoked this model in two Sherlock Holmes movies. Please consider asking Shane Ireland at Smoking Pipes and Peterson to bring the pipe back into production.
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Do you have his contact information?
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am smoking year 2000 VaPer Three Nuns in a 1938 straight black grain relief Dunhill OX Shell bulldog with a silver band repair with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Gold Star Peruvian Macchu Picchu, neat, is my drink. Getting ready to clean a few pipes. Sleepy Suzy is by my side supervising the event.
Now smoking year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Tomato the Brave finally showed up, and ate heartily. Now, he's roaming around the den looking for something to do. Everybody else is snoozin'.
Finally starting my second pipe of the day, all bent MM Missouri Pride filled with GLP Ashbury along with a cup of coffee. I was talking with a friend about beekeeping and rabbit breeds, he is an ex cigarette smoker and I didn't want him enticed back into it so I passed on smoking this afternoon.