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Brothers of Briar

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P. Chheda ~ Planta Presbyterian

USUVeLN_Q8ybEp5vYxqrbiqjmG0RJ_EMiKdFuy9rObOCYFtLx5aBGMlD5yAuoqWpx28SyYoAAt-C3jBMc7JXekPUMkeLfGceiL5ECk4xTI77EKzSzcHWCNbT1A7VUG6K82kOcvyyElvqSTJgku2Gn1TjU-hlgUYVE85ORs3X5R2n7alYdXUPhXcg-I4bINTn5-U1TGzE39izn3lWPX57gedQp7JswJzGLM7kBuPz2OthkXFGtotViPeya0DAjsmmrTucf6lTAuT8hV96nk9q_Fwmh27GuHVnaMcMojifbxK_ydca6GM49_xjAViWH-FeKYJlQewKI_JHNyuJ5my_5QqdCceX7i8MtsoOYdJpJll-I17c6Gp2gRDM12Cqy-YLAOG_h5yGTeNvHDblc8gJjbNRLZR9QJr7eOF4YROVwT5PrdQlzlE5-vU-kpq0Wi9yqFT4uHS6cmEiW3pjlO99jYNTrzcZYP2K9aGQ__5zEDHUn3zGVsptVy9CMNl2bMycjOXZBX1KSw1_u9LSbAW_Ajp9_-7ZUD021HdWEDbSrz7K1vRGJbH_X5NRq2hadl4n48oCoc4_BrSUIFhHGs5RNNBrLVxfaCJUpJrq9GilxA6DqxiQrwMsdcJjm5FFh9HmVZ2w7Q5ee46032QlYP-XAIz1LbCCSKRf4Qn1Z7Vml2N-iKLke-eO_Dk=w1214-h910-no" style="width: 800px;height: 600px
18 August 1966 Vietnam, 108 Australian and New Zealand soldiers against over 2000 Vietcong.
It took over 45 years before the Australian government fully recognized the heroism and bravery of the soldiers of Delta company.



I am watching the Danger Close-The Battle of Long Tan (2019) while smoking Mac Baren Dark Twist and drinking brandy.
On the first day of the battle, the casualties of Britain and the Empire were 57,470 men. 21,391 dead and missing, 35,493 wounded, and 585 prisoners.
When first reported on the numbers [which were below the actual number of 17,470] D.Hague cynically said: "These losses cannot be considered serious given the number of people involved and the length of the front of the attack...the nation must learn to withstand the losses ... the nation must be ready to see the lists with the heavy losses."

Iron Maiden - Paschendale [or Battle of Flanders or Third Battle of Ypres 31 July–10 November 1917]


I am smoking Olaf Poulsson Νο. 12 in a BC, double Greek coffee plus cool water beside me.
A new creation I call Turkish Delight in a twenty dollar Stanny. Water from the well to pair.
When Andrew Briggman, a young soldier in the US invasion of Afghanistan, witnesses other recruits killing innocent civilians under the direction of a sadistic leader, Sergeant Deeks, he considers reporting them to higher-ups but the heavily-armed, increasingly violent platoon becomes suspicious that someone in their ranks has turned on them and Andrew begins to fear that he’ll be the next target.


I am smoking Cornell and Diehl Cordial while watching The Kill Team (2019) movie.