End of the work day with PS Cube Cut and my Peterson XL90. All of you Peterson fans...I’m thinking about a Peterson System 12 1/2. Have any of you smoked one and are they much smaller than a XL90?

Those are from the Memphis Belle at the NMUSAF thought it was historically appropriateHistory Professor 1861,
Shouldn’t you have a picture of Fort Sumter or Bull Run rather than two Boeing B-17 engines? I‘ll let it slide since you like burley. Lol.
Absolutely. Can you imagine flying twenty-five combat missions over Europe in that plane? I’m glad someone saw fit to save it for future generations. Enjoy your Haunted Bookshop Professor.Those are from the Memphis Belle at the NMUSAF thought it was historically appropriate
Morning Buddy, enjoy your day mate.Gooood morning gentlemen. It's Hobbits Weed in the Lorenzo Old Vic Giant bent billiard with a big mug of Costa Rican blend coffee. 67 and clear this morning. Shaping up to be a nice day.
Yep, can't forget the coffeeUrban Cowboy in a MM general cob. In Zenomarx terms this is always a 10/10 smoke. Very sublime. With my 3rd big mug of coffee, lol.