Any Downton Abbey fans here?

Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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I've watched this series virtually from the beginning and have the entire series on DVD. Now re-watching it for the third or forth time.

It never gets old and I'm always picking up on details I missed. Also have read many of the books associated with the series, mostly through the library. Right now digging into the "The Chronicles of Downton Abbey" which provides additional insight into the characters.

Altogether a very well presented series, and attention to detail is at the forefront. Most enjoyable.

I should add that I first became enamored of the British class divide between  above and below stairs in Edwardian society when I was introduced to the classic PBS series "Upstairs Downstairs", which I also have on DVD and re-visit regularly..

And you?


I love the series. The wife and I watch it all the time. Can’t wait for the upcoming movies.

I did not know there were books. Did the books precede the television series?
A big, big, BIG fan here. I've lost count of how many times I've watched it. Several times. I now use it whenever I take naps. Relaxing and comfortable. Great story. Great, fantastic character writing. Relationships, the actors, the editing, and every element of a TV show is on point. I'll talk more when I have the time. I'm crunched at the moment.
Puff Daddy":h5r2ud8k said:
I love the series. The wife and I watch it all the time. Can’t wait for the upcoming movies.

I did not know there were books. Did the books precede the television series?
There's plenty of books from all points in the seasons. Check out your library or amazon.


It all begins and ends with Julian Fellowes. One of the all-time great TV and movie writers. His characters are both rich and real. His dialogue is truly dynamic. He has a new series coming out in 2019 on NBC, The Gilded Age. I was a little disappointed in Doctor Thorne a few years back, but it was still fun enough. I have both The Chaperone and Crooked House on my list of movies to track down; the former being the more interesting of the two. None of this is to mention the pre-Downton legacy he created for himself, which is no less wonderful.

Like Mad Men, one of the reasons why Downton Abbey was so upper echelon is that no detail was considered too small or insignificant. Consultants and checkers kept the anachronisms to a minimum. A thoroughly sharp crew.
Zeno Marx":kr80u2z0 said:
It all begins and ends with Julian Fellowes.  One of the all-time great TV and movie writers.  His characters are both rich and real.  His dialogue is truly dynamic.  Consultants and checkers kept the anachronisms to a minimum.  A thoroughly sharp crew.
Well said, and not much more I could add.

Zeno Marx":kr80u2z0 said:
He has a new series coming out in 2019 on NBC, The Gilded Age.  I was a little disappointed in Doctor Thorne a few years back, but it was still fun enough.  I have both The Chaperone and Crooked House on my list of movies to track down; the  former being the more interesting of the two.  None of this is to mention the pre-Downton legacy he created for himself, which is no less wonderful.

Like Mad Men, one of the reasons why Downton Abbey was so upper echelon is that no detail was considered too small or insignificant.
Not familiar with any of these, but will look for them in due course.


I should have been more clear about Doctor Thorne. I'll borrow wikipedia to do so. Doctor Thorne is a 2016 three-part television drama adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel Doctor Thorne scripted by Julian Fellowes for ITV. The novel was written in 1858. Fellowes also introduces each episode.
Just finished re-watching the whole series for the 3rd or 4th time. Still awed by the superb acting and production. Will look forward to the upcoming movie.



Just finished with Season 1 and I am hooked. Not much on television grabs my interests, but I have really been enjoying this... and I can't stand Thomas! (No spoilers, please!)
Just starting season 6 with swmbo. She's watched entire season before with her best girlfriend, but it's my first time through. Aside from a somewhat disappointing lack of pipes, I must say I've really been enjoying the series. Good story line and the attention to detail is most impressive. As an added bonus, watching it with the Mrs. seems to be scoring me some major points :afro:
I can't wait for the movie. The theater previews give you nothing but the theme song and glorious views of the house. :shock:
Finally took delivery of the long awaited movie the other day after the pre-order was fulfilled. Have now seen it several times along with the bonus features. Really appreciated the closed captioning since sometimes the dialog/accents can be confusing.

Initial impressions are that the movie is at least as well done as the series with respect to detail. Both Julian Fellows (creator) and Alastair Bruce (historical advisor) have spared no effort or expense. However......

Great as it was to see this after being enchanted by the series (which I've watched many times) the movie was somehow lacking and I'm hard pressed to explain why.

Perhaps some of it has to do with the sheer volume of subject matter to be compressed into a 2-hr feature, but there didn't seem to be adequate development between the actors as there would have been in a series. Too rushed perhaps. Or something.

I have other niggling problems with this but in general it was heartwarming and comforting. But I'll go out on a limb here and say that after this, Downton should be put to rest and let the imaginations of the viewers take over as to what happens from here.

JMHO as always


Thanks for the review. This past week, our PBS station ran the full series two times in a row, and my conclusion was: PBS should, or could, run a station just for Downton Abbey on continuous repeat. I'd be a regular viewer.

I haven't seen the movie, but I'm looking forward to it. This movie runs into a couple of personal snags: 1) I've come to not care about movies at all. I prefer the long form of the TV series. I'm now spoiled with development, details, etc. All this great TV has turned me into a tortoise, and I appreciate it. Life is fast enough. I want my entertainment to come slow and steady. 2) Now that we're accustomed to Fellowes telling his stories, and subplots, over years, I'm almost dreading the adjustment to everything in a single sitting. I don't care if it has the potential of Gosford Park. Give me another mini-season.

Fellowes has like three or six projects in development. Unfortunately, they're all going to be on pay streams. One is on Epix. Another is on Netflix. I don't think the others have been set yet. PBS probably cannot compete with these monster budgets.

I wonder if we'll ever get to the point when each of us will design our own feeds. Basically, our own stations. Like my idea above. Or maybe just the option to have series running without breaks on repeat. Music players usually have the options. Why not our TVs? Set them up and let them run.
My wife and I are into the huge difference that “binge watching” makes. There are quite a number of series we grew tired of watching as one episode per week but LOVED as a “no commercial” and multi episode format. Examples are Longmire, Grimm, iZombie, etc.

Neither of us have ever seen even one episode of Downton Abbey...yet. We’re going to start DA binge watching this week.

We have Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc. on ROKU. Can’t adequately express how much voice searching across networks has energized the whole experience. The ROKU Premium is easily the best electronic investment we’ve ever made...aside from smart phones.
I too have never watched DA. I have thought about watching it but haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet.

Like blackhorse, I have binge watched Grimm. Supernatural and The twilight zone are shows I will binge on. SYFY has been playing The Twilight Zone for 2 days now.