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Brothers of Briar

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So glad the scampers are going to a good home. Kudos to Bali and Lynda for doing that.
The only problem with @Balisong and Lyndasue's visit to get the tabbies is that they, m'lady, and me wished it could have been longer. We had a fantastic time together. As you saw, Bali and I ended up phone chatting to just after seven a.m. Great people, great friends.
Just enjoyed the first third of a bowl of Mac Baren Virginia #1, unaged on my short walk to work this morning; what a beautiful morning it is! I'll finish the rest in a few hours. Jim's review on tobaccoreviews says it's even better with age so this will probably stay in the mason jar for quite a few months or years before I go beyond this bowl of it. Speaking of Jim, it is really great to see the animals he cares for go to a good home. Props to Bali for taking them in.
Bright Va.s age better than any varietal. A few years of age creates a wonderful blend. I also suggest doing the same with Sutliff 507-C Virginia Slices, and Hamborger Veermeister.

The orange scampers couldn't have a better home than the one @Balisong and Lyndasue are going to provide for them.
Good Day!
We got home around 5 this morning, introduced Bill and Archie Scamper to our older cats, opened up their transport cage and let them explore their new home. They quickly got comfortable and discovered a new toy!

They played hard enough to need a nap on the stairs before exploring the bedroom! We had a great visit with Jim and his wife, the girls enjoyed their conversation while Jim and I talked pipes and tobacco. I was able to try both KBV Flek Virginias, both excellent and he gave me some samples that included Watch City Rouxgaroux and Ernie's Simply VOriental. Pease blends might be on a run for my money!
After settling in I loaded up an MM Apple Diplomat with GLP Westminster, brewed a k-cup sat down and fell asleep. Afternoon chores are done and I'm enjoying the pipe and coffee along with wonderful memories!
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am half way through this bowl of Seattle Pipe Club Down Yonder in a straight black 1963 Dunhill LB Shell 4S billiard with a tapered black vulcanite stem. The last of the Gold Star Hawaiian Kona Extra Fancy, neat, is my drink.
Now smoking GLP Westminster in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg with a tapered black acrylic stem. Thanks to a friend, I'm going to revisit my review of this blend. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Shy orange tabby and Long tail are snoozin' by my side. Watching Mad Dog Russo.
Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver LinePebble egg.jpg
Near the half way mark of this bowl of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.

Early this rainy morning, all the ferals (except for Daisy the Feral Princess, who was inside) were on the deck wanting food. It took me forty minutes to traffic cop them so all would eat. Harry the Hairy was yowling, which always scares the others away. Abner the Eager hid under the lounge, and I gave him some dry food. He ran off in the rain after that. I let Tomato the Brave in to eat, and as soon as he finished, he wanted to go outside because of Sam the Scamp. Tomato hid under the deck since Harry was laying on the lounge. Harry put his belly in the air so I could rub it, and he purred very loudly with a open mouth smile.
So many developments with you guys in the last day! I am very happy Bali and Lynda made room in their home for Bill and Archie ( I also love their names, I really loved Bloom County/Outland and Archie is a great nod to Jim). Had a bowl of Byzantium in my Tomato meer while I caught up on posts. Work was foreshortened by rain today and may be a wash out tomorrow. Be well and dry everyone.

PS: Great to put faces on a couple of you guys!


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NC...OMG that's some drive, that's longer than the length of the UK.
It was about 900 miles each way but the traffic jams in Connecticut and New York added a few hours each way plus the alternator replacement lost us a day. We met some wonderful people viewed some great scenery and had two fantastic visits with Jim and his wife, we don't regret a minute of the experience!
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, orange roughy and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've passed the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2013 Capstan Blue Flake in a straight 1924 Dunhill’s “Shell Briar” patent pot 7 with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Watching the Braves-Cubs game.
Dunhill_1924_ pot.jpg
Good morning,
It`s been a tough week so far, My back has been really bad and I am having a hard time getting around, My wife has come down with some kind of flu. Dr told her it`s going around, she has meds ,so hopefully she gets better...My aunt who has the same Flu as my wife is in the hospital !
I am smoking my Caminetto billiard with Lane LL-7,Mug of Yukon coffee.
Ranger, stay away from Samsung/LG appliances- they are both troublesome and many repair tech`s wont even work on them! Good luck on your search.
Thanks, think we will go with either another GE, which we really like, or a Bosch, which also gets really good ratings. Depends on cost and whether we can find a good deal.
Wait...What... They drove from NH to NC...OMG that's some drive, that's longer than the length of the UK. Extra Repect Bali and Lynda 👏👏👏
Lets face it buddy. England is a pretty small country. Probably the reason they colonized so many other countries, lol. 700 miles in the US is a hop, skip, and a jump. Heck, just across Texas east to west is 780 miles. Back when I went to Sturgis every year from Tucson AZ it was 1450 miles each way. I would make it on the Harley in 3 days, lol.