Recent content by BlueCarpet

Brothers of Briar

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  1. BlueCarpet

    What are you... Typing?

    On the far left is a comp I'm dual-booting Server 2008 and Windows 7. Middle (with two monitors) is my main, a custom from parts that's getting pretty old now: • AMD Athlon II X2 240 @ 2.8 GHz • 4GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 401 MHz • ATI Radeon HD 4850 • Die Hard On the right is a shitty old Dell...
  2. BlueCarpet

    Antler bowl

    That is a beautiful looking pipe. I don't know anything about the properties of antler or the details of smoking out of it, but I do know that I want a pipe like that some day!
  3. BlueCarpet

    My cousin just bought me my first pipe! [Now with pics!]

    I'm definitely planning on picking up a corn cob, rather than start off with this one. I took some (bad) pictures with my phone, though: Here's a shot of just the pipe, being held up by some BuckyBalls, the only thing I had lying around And here's the pipe taken apart, with that little metal...
  4. BlueCarpet

    My cousin just bought me my first pipe! [Now with pics!]

    Update: the pictures are a few posts down. He knew I'd been thinking of getting into pipe smoking for a while now (never smoked cigs regularly), so he bought me a cheapy little pipe for Christmas. This is the pipe here from Lucienne. It has a stinger, which I've been advised to remove, and...