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Brothers of Briar

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  1. wdwrx

    "Hi" from another Canadian!

    Thank you Al, I'm glad to hear it helped you. I'm already finding that Im losing my taste for cigarettes. I've cut down already from about a pack'n a half to a generous half pack a day. I find myself lighting one, only to put it out and reach for my pipe instead. I've been down that road of...
  2. wdwrx

    "Hi" from another Canadian!

    Thank you all for a very warm welcome, this seems like a very friendly place. I started with a pipe in an effort to quit smoking (or at least cut down) and so far seem to be doing just that. Hopefully that trend will continue, and I'll be able to kick that one habit, and replace it with this...
  3. wdwrx

    "Hi" from another Canadian!

    Hi guys, First off, I'd like to say "Thanks" for hosting a great site. A bit of browsing and I was well on my way. I guess I'm enjoying my new vice, as I found I needed to get a second pipe to give the other a chance to rest. 8) I started with a very (very!) cheap pipe and a sample pack of...