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Brothers of Briar

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  1. BMeadows

    What are you smoking?

    Having some PA in a modified cob with a large pot of Maxwell House. Good morning all!
  2. BMeadows

    What are you smoking?

    Sutliff Sunrise Smoke in a BST.
  3. BMeadows

    Hey Ya'll from Concord NC

    Thanks all for the welcome. Glad to be here!
  4. BMeadows

    What are you smoking?

    Manor Heights in a Mod Cob.
  5. BMeadows

    Where do you go to smoke?

    Any place that allows it. Come to think of it, some places that don't! If you see me without a pipe in my gob and smoking is allowed, I'm probably asleep.
  6. BMeadows

    Hey Ya'll from Concord NC

    We thought I was having a heart attack, turned out to be a Spasmatic Esophagus. This is usually brought on by stress. It's like getting a wake-up call that if you don't change the way your handling things, the next one could be the real thing. So his logic was that if I tried to quite smoking...
  7. BMeadows

    Hey Ya'll from Concord NC

    Have been a pipe only smoker for about 10 years. Started with cigs when I was in the Army. Then switched to cheap cigars, every now and then would treat myself to a "good" cigar but usually machine rolled from Middletons. Then I noticed they were made from pipe tobacco, so I tried a pipe. No...