A Different Beverage With McClelland Tudor Castle

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2012
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Greetings BoB,

I usually smoke a bowl of McClellend Tudor Castle just before bedtime with a glass of Ridgemont Reserve. This evening I decided to have my Tudor Castle right after dinner. I had a glass of sweet iced tea with a slice of lemon along with my meal and brought what was left of the glass of tea to my recliner and proceeded to fill the bowl of my Savinelli # 607. After lighting this remarkable tobacco and enjoying several minutes of bliss I reached for the iced tea and took a sip. Brothers I could hardly believe how well the ice tea complimented the taste of the tobacco. It may have been that the tobacco complimented the taste of the iced tea. I won't debate it one way or the other but the fact remains IMHO that McClellend Tudor Castle and sweet iced tea were made for each other. The only draw back is that there was no buzz to enjoy from the tea. That aside I recommend you give it a try and let me know of your opinion.
I like ridgemont...however, since the tea is chilled, it definitely cools down the mouth in a way that red wine just cant do. We forget that the smoke we pull into our mouths, even when "cool" from proper sipping, is well above our body temperature. red wine at cellar temperature is in the low sixties, but due to the alcohol content & acididy "drinks hot" as well. A nice cool glass of iced tea offers coolness with a hint of astringincy (tannins from tea dry the mouth out = less drool in the pipe) and dont forget the caffeine! Alcohol, Nicotine and Caffiene: my favorite (legal) drugs!
I don't know about a pairing for Tudor Castle specifically, but I really enjoy pairing a good Latakia blend with a nice tawny port Warres Otima or something from Fonseca work nicely. Iced tea is great too, I like a little lemonade in it for that citric acid palate cleanse.