Trying to buy a snuff mull

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2014
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Just recently got into snuff a bit. Had a bad experience with it when I was younger. Being of Scottish heritage, I want a snuff mull now lol. Can't seem to find any modern variants, and most old ones are 300$ and up. Anybody here know of a company or an artisan that makes them now?
What would a modern variant of a snuff mull be? Kind of an antique-y item, ain't it, from another era? I'd spring for a real one if I wanted one--they look so cool, if you're into that dead-game esthetic.
For all the antique items that have modern production. Clay pipes, snuff boxes, pipe tobacco jars and boxes. I'm having trouble believing nobody makes these anymore. There has to be a market. I'm not looking for the big desktop style, I want the pocket version. I found some on eBay and some antiques sites. For about 300-500$ and up.
I'm sure there's someone who will make them but, if there to be like the older ones silver is a component and it won't be cheap. May even be cheaper to purchase an old one. Now if one would like to tackle making one himself, rams horn other horn is readily available and for about $25 you can purchase a horn and fabricate a lid. I would imagine with a little steaming you can shape the horn to the desired roundness and curl as I've seen on the older ones.
This is going to require some research. Like I was saying, there has to be a market for these. I can't be the only one who would buy one