Brothers of Briar

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    • JimInks
      JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Now smoking year 2020 C&D Virginia Flake in a straight smooth brown 1950s-mid ‘60s (GBD) Rozier San Francisco 9240 squat bulldog with a...
      • GBD_Rozier_San Francisco9240_squat_bulldog.jpg
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      I'm enjoying GLP Westminster in a bent MM Washington Rob Roy and a cider and rum cocktail. The GLP Westminster I smoked earlier tasted...
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to MLBbreton's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      After another dang day in the rain finishing up the container cover I've just polished off two bowls of homemade split pea soup with ham...
    • JimInks
      JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      A quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2016 Sutliff 507-C Slices in a straight dark brown 1920s Comoy’s Sunrise Natural S369...
      • Comoy's_Sunrise_Natural_SBD_s369.jpg
    • JimInks
      JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Now smoking year 2013 Capstan Gold in a post-WWII Bertram 60 straight smooth dark brown squat bulldog with a black vulcanite saddle...
      • Bertram 60 squat bulldog.jpg
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      Decompressed with Pegasus in my Savinelli Dublin. Will likely have a bowl of Old Professor in my Horn meer after dinner.
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to Eutychus's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      After a tasty supper of spaghetti squash with Italian meat sauce, I'm on the patio with a throw to keep off the chill. I'm enjoying...
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to Quickhatch's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      Enjoying Billy Budd in a Zettervig 901 Volcano with a cold Live Oak Pils while watching MNF. Can’t wait for the Dodgers/Yankees series...
    • JimInks
      JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm almost half way through...
      • Rinaldo EGEA 03 Silver line spigot 10.jpg
    • JimInks
      JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Not far from finishing this bowl of year 2012 Rolando’s Own in a smooth straight early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive...
      • Conrad_apple-thumbnail copy.jpg
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to WetPipeDreamer's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      I love to smoke my Pete sys 307. But maintaining it is a PITA. Havingit with PA on the porch with a Miller HL
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to MLBbreton's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      In the meantime I'm going to enjoy this Savinelli D'Oro in my Rossi Smeralda
    • JimInks
      JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
      Passing the half way mark of this bowl of year 2021 unreleased Sutliff Black Virginia Flake in a late 80's, early 90s James Upshall P DS...
      • James Upshall P DS_L185 Canadian.jpg
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to WetPipeDreamer's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      There is not a tourist destination that I know of in Kansas. That’s the beauty of this trip. Blue hiways only. Get into the bowels of...
    • JimInks
      JimInks reacted to MLBbreton's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
      Whoo Hoo, I did a consulting job for a friend and even though I told him I wouldn't accept any money he wasn't having it. He got...
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