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    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to hilasmos's post in the thread Two and a Half Years In with Like Like.
      That's excellent advice. I've found that practice is the key. It has taken me a year and a half to get where I can smoke while keeping...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to asowen's post in the thread Two and a Half Years In with Like Like.
      Wise words. My personal starting advice is get a good but inexpensive factory pipe that speaks to you from a reputable company like...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Aussiemike's post in the thread Two and a Half Years In with Like Like.
      Very wise words Bergy on all points(y) no.1 I remember many years ago reading or someone saying how you should pack a pipe in 3 pinches...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Manawydan's post in the thread Two and a Half Years In with Haha Haha.
      Words to smoke by. Well-said. I really should've followed #3 and #4 as I now have sixty unique blends in my cellar and a dozen pipes. :)...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to lgoldberg's post in the thread Two and a Half Years In with Like Like.
      Just thought I would share some things I am thinking, in the vein of what I would have liked to tell myself when I started: Don't pack...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Singed's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      I will have to try some of these methods myself, it will be interesting.
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Zeno Marx's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      strip it like string cheese and stuff it with medium pressure, especially Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake. With the thicker flakes, I 90%...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Blackhorse's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      For me, the most preferred flake shape is a Prince. Maybe even a Bing. I normally use a rough rub as opposed to really breaking it...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 replied to the thread VA flakes.
      For non-aromatic VA flakes my preffered method is rubbed out and in a smaller sized, straight stemmed dublin.
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Gusto's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      I fold then roll and twist my Va flakes into a tall narrow bowl (but not so tight as to impede the draw and burn.) You could say my...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Hogan's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      Appreciate the reply
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to JimInks's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      I find narrow chambers do not work as well as wider bowls, e.g. authors, eggs, bulldogs, Rhodesians, pots, etc.
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 reacted to Singed's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      I really like Virgina flake best in a clay. It's also excellent in a simple cob. P.S.: Please note, I rub out the flakes, I do not...
    • mosin1932
      The Pipe was likely to be made by Chacom since com is France and shape 291 is their Billard number. Marbury may have been a Tobacconist...
    • mosin1932
      mosin1932 replied to the thread what is like Plum Pudding?.
      Thanks for checking on that Steve, Sutliff makes some really good blends for sure.
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