A hearty New Jersey hello to all!

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Mar 16, 2011
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Hey, gents. Name's Dan, I'm from New Jersey, and very recently got in to the world of pipe smoking.

Started out with nothing but a $35 Lucienne pipe and a "luxury" pouch of Carter Hall. I now expanded my collection, and own...

An MM Diplomat. :p I gotta say, it was only when I started pipe smoking that I realized nobody in New Jersey smokes pipes. :silent:

Aww, well. Here's to good times. :)
I don't ever recall even seeing a real Cigar shop in Jersey...

anywho, welcome aboard.
A big howdy and welcome! Last October I bird hunted in Nova Scotia with a guy from New Jersey that smoked a pipe. Can't remember his name though.

Welcome to BoB. I wouldn't worry too much about that realization. The only pipe smoking I see here is others in their cars & they are usually older gents so I get many strange looks. Probably doesn't help that I look like I'm 12...Just kidding. :lol:
Welcome. I used to live in NJ while I was stationed at McGuire. While there, I usually frequented Churchill's Tobacco Shop. I know back then they carried Lane blends in bulk and some tins.

It's located at 1201 N. Kings Hwy. Cherry Hill: 609-428-7361.

in 6 years i've only seen one other pipe smoker in texas (at a cigar shop).
if we followed trends, none of us would be pipe smokers.

hope you enjoy your pipes and come back often.

take care,

Welcome from nj shore!!!!!!!!!!!! excellent cigar and pipe brick and mortar in bricktown on rt 88(Cigars Plus)