Any blenders give people problems?

Brothers of Briar

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HOTW is like kryptonite to me. I revisited it last night and sure enough, tongue bite like h*ll. First puff! I have issues with perique but dang... C&D blends with perique aren't as bad and HOTW's perique content is supposed to be almost non-existent.

I'm a little skittish about buying Marlin Flake because of this.
FWIW, If I run into tongue bite I drink a soda while smoking, the acid counteracts it for me. YMMV.
Rattray's Red Rapparee does the same to me, sadly. There's great flavor in there, but the tongue bite is so bad I can't smoke it.
Each tobacco has its bite threshold. You're going to get bit if you exceed it. Although there are caustic tobaccos out there, adjusting your smoking technique is the answer, or so I would think. I stopped smoking straight VAs about 8 years ago as I couldn't make that adjustment. A blend can have bite ranging from a little to a lot; adjusting your smoking technique, especially how fast you puff, can get around most bitey tobacco.
Pease keeps calling me, wanting pipe advice and asking to borrow my guitars.
I may have to change my number.
What a hassle... 8)
Haha. :)

Never had a problem with Mr. Pease. I have some Jackknife plug I'm going to tackle this summer. Letting it marinate a good 6 months before opening. :D
Pease is kind of a nuisance, calls at 3AM wanting rides from me because no one else will go on "that end of town..." :roll: But he's a friend, so I do it... *sigh* :heart:

Meanwhile, I have a VERY acidic chemistry as of late, so Burley is out (being alkaline, the reaction on one's tongue is likely what we "feel" when the balance is off), McClelland has been troubling me a lot, and well... Like PeeDee, Red Rapparee always ruins my tongue... HOTW? I love the stuff. *shrug*

Then again, oft-troublesome-to-most Mac Baren's stuff and I get alone fine...the non-aros, that is.

That's why I pay attention to not only who is similar in nature to my taste preferences, but noting who is affected by what biting them. Some guys, like Monbla, enjoy Red Virginia like I do, but McClelland (his brand) gives me bite issues at times. Yak likes Embarcadero and Union Square, two of my faves, but he can't handle the high-octane G&H un-Lakelandish rope's intense flavor. Rob likes a lot of Lane, which is my tongue-Kryptonite, and yet we both dig Erinmore Flake. *shrug* What do they all have in common?

We smoke pipes. :lol:

Hereward":bt9biefz said:
HOTW is like kryptonite to me. I revisited it last night and sure enough, tongue bite like h*ll. First puff! I have issues with perique but dang... C&D blends with perique aren't as bad and HOTW's perique content is supposed to be almost non-existent.

I'm a little skittish about buying Marlin Flake because of this.
Having smoked Rattray's 'bac since it was blended in Scotland ( my first tin was a 4oz cutter-top tin of Red Rapparee) I've found 'em to have some of the nicest Va based blends and never had 'em bite me. But I was taught to sip my 'bac no matter what type and so have never had any Rattray's bite and I've smoked just about all of 'em over the years. RR, and Old Gowerie are my faves, followed by Marlin Flake. Some blenders Va's just don't work for some smokers :twisted:
PS luxury twist flake is akin to smoking acid for me. yet the LBF is great. the only two PS blends i've tried. marlin flake is delicious but bit if i wasn't careful. only smoked it a handful of times and the dark beer and the coffee helped. when i smoked it while drinking champagne (ballin') it bit a little. i'll probably dip into it again today with water and see what's going on with it.
Mac burnin for me. I think it is the burley they use that gets me.
For the past 3-4 yrs, I've had no problems with any blender/brand with respect to tongue bite or anything else.

Some blends just need to be approached a bit differently, i.e. drying them a bit more, ageing, preparing, smoking cadence, etc.

Before I went on my ~8 yr pipe hiatus I used to get tongue bite something fierce occasionally. In fact the next day my mouth was still affected. Guess that's what put me into the hiatus....

Turns out I was very probably smoking much too fast and also smoking too wet. After returning to the pipe, including and especially reading BoB, I've since corrected that problem.

That's what's worked for me anyway. FWIW.


MacBaren VA No.1 :evil:
"It's like putting picric acid on my tongue and following it up with a blowtorch"- recently stated by DoverPipes at a Hudson Valley Pipe Club meeting a short time ago.
Was this part of the magic surrounding Mac Baren's ODF, minimal torched tongues?

MacBaren's Honey and Chocolate. No other MB had bit me.

In the end, I'm glad to have moved it along. Now it doesn't sound appealing to me in the least.
Most of the MacBaren fare leaves me a little raw. Navy Flake and Acadian Perique seem to be exceptions. I haven't tried the Dark Fired flake yet.
ODF will occasionally give me a headache. Not sure why. I have stronger stuff on hand that doesn't, and more intensely-flavored weed that also doesn't. ODF is tasty enough, however, it's worth it.

Keep the MacB complaints coming...means the stuff will stay cheap and available for me. :mrgreen:

Yak likes Embarcadero and Union Square, two of my faves, but he can't handle the high-octane G&H un-Lakelandish rope's intense flavor.
Pease spoils you. :twisted:

Kyle Weiss":01trcrdo said:
Pease is kind of a nuisance, calls at 3AM wanting rides from me because no one else will go on "that end of town..." :roll: But he's a friend, so I do it... *sigh* :heart:
The other day I was telling him that he didn't need to try so hard, that people would like him for who he is, and he was all like "But Harlock, ( he calls me Harlock), what if Jenny Piccolo doesn't like me? What if she goes to the Winter Formal with Potsie instead?" And I was all like "Dude... Potsie? Seriously? Come on man, get a grip... you're the guy that came up with Bohemian Scandal!"
Pease...what a tough case, that guy. Who could think he makes such great decisions with his pipeweed and such boorish choices in dance partners? *sigh* What to do with him?