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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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Several topics of late have concerned this vile blaspheme straight from the pits of Hades. This will stop. Now!
Just kidding...

Ever really seperated your likes and dislikes and just looked at whats offered for sale? Even the 'premium etailers' seem to stock more aros than anything else. I'd venture a guess and say that without the aromatic crowd the non aro guys wouldn't have anything to order.

well it kind of makes sense doesn't it? you could use the same one blend of tobaccos, and add how ever many different "Aro flavorings" you can come up with to the same single blend
And if it weren't for cigarettes, pipe guys would be pretty much screwed. Or, so say some folks familiar with the lay of the tobacco landscape.

As one who smokes Aromatics, VA's, and English blends - I can say that there is something for everyone out there. While some may not like Aro's, they do have their place and will always be around. Of course a person's taste can (and often does) change over time...

As far as the incredible selection of Aro's - such a wide selection wouldn't exist if there wasn't a strong market for them.
Kirk.. I skimmed the article but I want to say I don't hate Aromatics. Rum Flake, Dark Flake Scented, Black XX, etc. Good stuff.
(Contrary to what the contrary PDaddy will say they ARE aromatics). I can't remember the name at the moment but there is a virginia flake with a slight almondish topping that is incredibly good.

I think the 'purist' play alot of games in their head to assure themselves that they are distinguished pipers who shun all things aromatic.
Reality is we all smoke topped and cased tobacco, the only difference is to what extent.

What it really boils down to is smoke what you like and gently tease but don't judge your brother for what he smokes. (even if its a pink stick)

My only real problem with "Aromatics" is so many company think that they can hide crap tobacco behind sauce.. GH&co doesn't, Pease doesn't, McC doesn't with their craftsbury line. Quality Aro is obtainable.

Oh my other problem with Aro's is the supposed "Ladder" in pipe smoking.. Noobs smoke Aro's, Journymen smoke English and Vapers, Old hands smoke Burley and straight ginny. Aro's are probably the hardest tobaccos to smoke 'right'.. and it doesn't get easier than hitting a straight burley (which is 100% cased in honey/suger/molassas get over it.. You have never smoked a pure burley)
puros_bran":n6m6u8er said:
Oh my other problem with Aro's is the supposed "Ladder" in pipe smoking.. Noobs smoke Aro's, Journymen smoke English and Vapers, Old hands smoke Burley and straight ginny. Aro's are probably the hardest tobaccos to smoke 'right'.. and it doesn't get easier than hitting a straight burley (which is 100% cased in honey/suger/molassas get over it.. You have never smoked a pure burley)
I agree 20yrs ago I tried a pipe and burnt the bejesus out of my mouth on and put the pipe away, bought everything at the local super market, easily obtained convenience made me make all the wrong decisions ( for me and my liking), recently decided to try again this time armed with info from the internet, which I discovered that I would probably like english blends more than aros and went to a local B&M and asked for help, and was set on the right track.

but I did by some germains plumcake and altho it is definitely kind of weird I kind of like the slight hint of whatever it is I am tasting, I can't quite put my taste buds on the flavor but it is subtle and interesting, I also bought some firedance and that isn't to bad either
I used to say I'd only smoke aro's. "If a pipe didn't smell good, then what's the sense?" To me, in my novice thinking, that was the main difference between cigar smoke and pipe smoke, pipe smoke smelled good and cigar smoke didn't.

Now, I've ventured into all kinds of pipe tobaccos, and in some way, all the non-aro blends are helping me appreciate my aro's even more. I'm learning how to smoke them all better, which obviously leads to a better experience. I'm guessing I'll probably always smoke both aromatics and non-aromatics. There's a time and place for everything.

..."Always" is a tricky word though...
I really don't have so much of an opinion on the subject in some aspects at least, for many years I didn't even think about what I smoked, I smoked Clan for over 30 years and couldn't have cared less about what folk thought on it. I started using smoke related forums and suddenly found that my choice of tobacco was brutish and in poor taste, so I fell into the trap of taking other peoples opinions as those I should follow, but I followed some of those opinions and tried some of the tobaccos those folk were ranting about and many of them to my tastes were absolutely vile. I have come full circle in a sense now, for I no longer care what other peoples opinions are of what I choose to smoke, I should add that I will not smoke Clan any more as in truth I would much prefer a nice hearty bowl of 1792 to Clan any day of the week.

From my perspective, I should rather folk were able to choose what they wish to smoke and not have folk berating them for their own choices, but there are always going to be those who feel their opinion is the only opinion of worth. So, I shall continue to smoke what I choose to smoke, be it a heavy topped aro' or a supposed clean VA, if folk don't like what I smoke, tough doo-doos. :twisted:
puros_bran":llsxvpjd said:
Kirk.. I skimmed the article but I want to say I don't hate Aromatics. Rum Flake, Dark Flake Scented, Black XX, etc. Good stuff.
(Contrary to what the contrary PDaddy will say they ARE aromatics). I can't remember the name at the moment but there is a virginia flake with a slight almondish topping that is incredibly good.

I think the 'purist' play alot of games in their head to assure themselves that they are distinguished pipers who shun all things aromatic.
Reality is we all smoke topped and cased tobacco, the only difference is to what extent.

What it really boils down to is smoke what you like and gently tease but don't judge your brother for what he smokes. (even if its a pink stick)

My only real problem with "Aromatics" is so many company think that they can hide crap tobacco behind sauce.. GH&co doesn't, Pease doesn't, McC doesn't with their craftsbury line. Quality Aro is obtainable.

Oh my other problem with Aro's is the supposed "Ladder" in pipe smoking.. Noobs smoke Aro's, Journymen smoke English and Vapers, Old hands smoke Burley and straight ginny. Aro's are probably the hardest tobaccos to smoke 'right'.. and it doesn't get easier than hitting a straight burley (which is 100% cased in honey/suger/molassas get over it.. You have never smoked a pure burley)
I would have to say you NAILED it PB :cheers: I really don't understand why some "newbies" feel they have to appologize for enjoying Aro's no matter which one or more they enjoy. Enjoyment of pipe smoking is what this is ALL about ( same goes for the pipes chosen to smoke, from basket briars to Cobs, to Artisan/High grades. It's a PIPE :p ) and we have some VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE and EXPERIENCED brothers here who are enthusiastic Aro smokers and I would hope the "newbies" who enjoy Aro's would pay attention to them :p
I have generally disliked more aros than I have liked, but I am starting to appreciate them more. The secret for me was using a peterson system pipe (with 9mm filter) and a p-lip. Don't know why this never occured to me before. For my palate, this tones down the aro just enough for me to appreciate it, and I have completely avoided tongue burn. Since I made this discovery, I have taken out some jars of aros that I previously tried and then put away (I thought for good) because they didn't agree with me. With few exceptions, I have liked them all. I attribute this in part to the pete system pipe and in part to letting the tobacco calm down in a jar for a few months.
Always gotta keep an aro or two on hand for those smokes with friends who don't like the room note of a good English smoke.
Yeah, wife is prepping for a xmas party and only one I can get away with smoking is the peterson 2012 xmas blend. She says it smells like candy canes and apple cider.
Candy Canes and Apple Cider.....One freaking rugged man's pipe smoke.......What a man does to please his lady. That's why men have truck smokes brother. Merry Christmas!
Man I do understand. And I feel for you. I have my aro's for just the same reasons.
I learned long ago the following formula, which has served me well to this point:
