C&D Old Joe Krantz and/or Haunted Bookshop

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2010
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Has anyone tried either of these blends by C&D; Old Joe Krantz and/or Haunted Bookshop?

I'm not a big Burley smoker, yet I have smoked some fine Burleys (Solani & Peretti). I purchased a tin of both of these a couple of weeks ago. Both are Burley/Virginia/Perique blends, with Burley dominating. Needless to say, I am not easily bullied by high nicotine blends. But these two blends, yikes.....
Left me feeling queezy for hours, seriously. Before smoking these two blends, I felt like I could say I liked the way that all tobaccos taste. I no longer stand by this claim.

The tobacco had a good tin aroma, slightly sweet, but nowhere near overpowering. Once lit however, both of these blends had the same taste. The way that an old stale smoked cigar smells, that is how both of these blends registered on my palate. I couldn't help but continue to smoke down the bowl, with the hope that the flavor would develop into somthing more. It did. It gradually began tasting like the way that two old stale smoked cigars smell, then three, then... The aftertaste lingered how quite some time, gag.

I have been a fan of several C&D blends for quite some time, and still am. It surprises me that I can honestly say that I derived no pleasure from smoking these blends.
If yer gonna talk about Old Joe Krantz and Haunted Bookshop,
ya might as well toss in Three Friars. All three are excellent and
among my favorites. They are similar, but different.
I suppose it's possible to like one and not the others,
but if ya like one of em, yer likely to like em all.
Try to slow down some more while smoking them. Get a nice coal started on top and smoulder them down for the rich taste. Yes, OJK has a kick, so smoke after a meal. haunted Bookshop should develop a nutty flavor. Smoked too fast and it can be bitter.
Im not a big burley smoker but after reading this I loaded up a bowl of OJK in a pete and it is very good, great burley taste. Smoke it nice and slow slow slow and the flavor really comes out. Give it another chance.
Can't speak to OJK, but I burned through 2 tins of Haunted Bookshop in about two weeks as I liked it alot. Plan to order more when I make my next burley order. I am a part-time cigarette smoker, so it should be taken with a grain of salt when I say I didn't notice the nicotine.

I have heard other say that HB tastes like cigarettes and/or stale cigars, however it did not taste at all like either to me, having smoked both at one time or another. HB had a good nutty burley flavor with the occasional nip of perique. I remember distinctly at least two occasions when it had a sweetness to it as well, presumably from the virginias.

It seemed to behave best for me with a fairly snug pack in my Stanwell 191 (small bowl) and a somewhat looser, but still snug pack in my Sav Giotto billiard (medium-largish bowl).

I do believe that it didn't DGT all that well, if I remember correctly.
Among the two OJK does it for me, i have alot of both, both seem lighter than Uhle's or Peretti's efforts, no head spinning here, Ken :p :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue:
I've smoked and enjoyed both very much... but I do lean a little more towards OJK. A few more bowls, and you might just be hooked on it :)
OJK is growing on me, and I must agree that a mindful, slow smoke does it best. There's that stout burley that I always find a bit cigar-y in a good way.
Hermit":tao4m332 said:
If yer gonna talk about Old Joe Krantz and Haunted Bookshop,
ya might as well toss in Three Friars. All three are excellent and
among my favorites. They are similar, but different.
I suppose it's possible to like one and not the others,
but if ya like one of em, yer likely to like em all.
With all due respect Hermit, you appear to be smelly looking fish head that smokes cigars... which may account for you liking a blend that tastes like old, stale cigars. :pale:
Ive smoked both, and Haunted Bookshop is my favorite of the two.
OJK is exceptional, but definitely has a vitamin N kick to it.
I think HB is a lot less three dimensional. You get the one note. OJK adds depth through the other leaf, and to me provides what is one of the truly great Burley blends.