Drugstore tobaccos in 1921

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
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Can you imagine a drugstore chain doing marketing for tobacco stuff like this today :twisted: 

Very cool pic!
The pipes in that rack look big!
I tend to think of old timey pipes as being kind of smallish.
monbla256 said:
Can you imagine a drugstore chain doing marketing for tobacco stuff like this today :twisted: 
Yes, but I have a vivid imagination.

Great photo, I could spend some time there.
Nice! That's a better spread than many pipe stores have these days.
Love those old photos Monbla. I have quite a few of those old empty antique tins from way back when. That place is like a candy store for adults.:cheers: 
The area with the tinware is interesting. The far left one looks like Prince Albert but the one front and center that is a lunch box too is "Salsation Turkish Tobacco" Looks like premiums of a bygone era. I remember a laundry soap in our store that came with dishes. Another included a dish towel. Wrigley gum actually started as a premium given with their baking soda.
The pipes only look big because they're closer to the camera.

Visualise the size of one of the guys' hands & have him reach round and hold one. They're pretty small.

On top of the cabinet the Sensation Cut Plug tin comes in a large "lunch box tin" with handles. It was actually used as such by people after the tobacco was consumed. I can only imagine the added cost added to tobacco if those tins were still made today.
Great picture. Drug stores should look that way today. Not sure but it seems like a lot of the drugs they advertise in their stores today are as dangerous as tobacco. Go figure...

Goodness me, are those tins of tobacco on the top there? Great photo share. :cheers: 
That was when customer service was not just a slogan.  Anyone notice the box cameras in the display case in the lower left side of the picture...I think my father had one of those.....memories.
pepesdad1":d7p0g7vq said:
That was when customer service was not just a slogan.  Anyone notice the box cameras in the display case in the lower left side of the picture...I think my father had one of those.....memories.
My grandfather smoked those Fatima cigarettes and I remember the tin boxes of 100 he bought which he stored stuff in down in his basement when I was a kid. I have the Ansco folding camera which was like the one in the case that he used all through the 20's and 30's as well :twisted:  If I could get 620 roll film still I could take pics with it as the bellows and shutter's still all good :twisted: 
"I have the Ansco folding camera which was like the one in the case"  

Ansco...that was the name....it all comes back to me now.  The were great cameras for the day.
Makes you wish they had a time machine, could go back walk into the store smoking and browse the products and not a person would bat an eye.:) 
What a wonderful picture. A time machine would be great, just wander in, light up your pipe and have a little chat while perusing all of the goods.

Any idea where that picture was taken?
riff raff":jpyg3sen said:
What a wonderful picture.  A time machine would be great, just wander in, light up your pipe and have a little chat while perusing all of the goods.  

Any idea where that picture was taken?
I found it on the Shorpy photo site. They say it was taken at the :

"Washington, D.C., circa 1921. "People's Drug Store, 7th and K Streets." Expert advice given on pipes, cigars, flashlights and cameras"
Wow, I go into DC occasionally. I wonder what is at 7the & Know?.
riff raff":33x1r1kf said:
Wow, I go into DC occasionally. I wonder what is at 7the & Know?.
Sounds like it's time for a road trip and you can take some photos and report back to the Bro's :twisted: 