Dunhill Factory made Parker pipes

Brothers of Briar

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In the friendliest, most congenial fashion possible, you're full of advertising hype.

At the moment, there's no way to say with assurance what Dunhill is doing or with what.

But what it HAS done, historically and on a long-term basis, is buy clean stummels that fit their dimensional constraints from other manufacturers to finish and stem as Dunhills.

That's the way Alfred started, before "Dunhill" ever turned stummel number one, and it's the way they operated even after they began making their own, because demand exceeded supply. The term for it was "buying in" stummels, and it was an open secret in British pipe trade circles. They bought them from every other concern that had them to sell.

The main reason why BBB Own Make Virgins are so rare today is because BBB could get more for their clean stummels by selling them to Dunhill than they could by finishing them and selling them under their own marque.

The Dunhill-Parker connection is a commercial fact ; much of any connection beyond that is a fairy story and wild, hopeful imagination.

Get a nice, old Parker and you'll have a fine pipe to smoke. But not a "Dunhill second."

And it will be made from whatever briar was in use at the time it was made.

Ok guys - all advice much appreciated but lets play nice.

Yak and SpeedyPete it's obvious that you hold different perspectives on this issue however we are all in agreement that the old Parker is the right purchase (hopefully) for me.

In the absence of incontestable evidence being produced by either party then we can't settle this matter.....unless we have a duel! If we can arrange it I will fly over to the USA to referee the matter and I suggest a bucket of wet sponges as weapons.......

We have been having duels in Ireland for loads of years, mores the pity that people here hadn't the sense to use wet sponges......


It's simple enough, Jers.

Some time ago, LL (George Dibos) published a detailed set of Dunhill specs. Where, I don't recall -- it could have been here. Or it might have been, but lost in a server switch-over.

Be that as it may, the specs are "out there" in the collector community.

When he posted the Billiard specs, I checked them against my old Parker : it was way out of bounds. The same with an equally old one I got more recently.

The point is : Parker was not turning their billiard stummels to Dunhill proportion specs.

One more time : There is no way that those two Parkers -- either as stummels or as finished pipes -- would have been passed along to Dunhill for consideration. (And both of them are straightgrains; the first one, an "A" flawless).

Parker made Parkers.

End of story.

The business of Dunhill supposedly picking through the Parker production for "Dunhill" candidates joins the "Dead Root" lie and the "Very heart of the bole" lie that AD was responsible for misleading people into believing.

Nice is nice, but facts are facts, and fact trumps nice.


Yak":i8z1rqrg said:
It's simple enough, Jers.

Parker made Parkers.

The business of Dunhill supposedly picking through the Parker production for "Dunhill" candidates.........

Well, I NEVER said PARKER supplied stummels to Dunhill. It's the other way round!! Please read my post once more, brother!!

When a stummel isn't good enough for a Dunhill, it goes to PARKER and the latter then completes the pipe under their OWN name.

It's been like this in the past and it's still going on; PARKER make PARKER pipes, using reject stummels from the Dunhill factory.

Therefore, a PARKER is a Dunhill second.

All I know for certain is that when I die (hopefully at age 100...I have had the foresight to prepare for old age by preserving my body in alcohol for many years) the first thing that God is likely to say to me is “At least you tried son...you tried". ;)

Good news guys!

The eBay bid went my way and I've purchased a 1950's (tbc) Parker pipe, with original box, pouch and even a packet of 50's pipe cleaners! It looks like a good purchase - I'll just have to wait and see when it arrives.

By the time it arrives I should be able to post a photograph......

Thanks again



Jers":7liwjx8i said:
Good news guys!

The eBay bid went my way and I've purchased a 1950's (tbc) Parker pipe, with original box, pouch and even a packet of 50's pipe cleaners! It looks like a good purchase - I'll just have to wait and see when it arrives.

By the time it arrives I should be able to post a photograph......

Thanks again


Congratulations!!! You are going to enjoy that pipe a lot. :cheers:

I've also been lucky and won another of Mattia's pipes. It's a 1940s Old England Apple in beautiful condition. :bounce:
A good days business for both of us Speedy.

Congratulations on winning the auction for your pipe!

