First bowl of Penzance

Brothers of Briar

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May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Diocese of Southern Virginia
Thanks to a generous brother, I arrived home yesterday to find a package containg some Esoterica tobacco samples + Frog Morton. Just the unopened package smelled wonderful. Today I pulled out the "churchwarden's assistant" - a churchwarden with a replacement stem just the length of a standard pipe cleaner. This is my latakia blend pipe, and I mostly smoke American Heritage and Daybreak in it.

I am impressed. It was a great smoke, with a creamy mouth feel, and a lingering aftertaste that I liked. It smoked like a strong latakia blend, and while I do not have the most delicate palate, I loved the flavors and the heavy sweet, smoky taste. It was a real treat. I plan to savor the sample and smoke nothing else in this pipe until it is gone. Next in line with the samples will be Margate.

I don't have much experience with Penzance, but my findings were simmilar to your's. The mouth sensation was what really stood out for me.

Penzance is a very smooth tobacco, perhaps my favorite in the full English (Lat Bomb, if we want to be crass) genre. Sounds like just the thing after weeks of being limited to Carter Hall. Welcome home, Tom!
Fr_Tom":iz0egk53 said:
It is good to be home. Today is the first official day in the office.
Visited the church site. That is one nice office cubical you have there. Not many cubicals come with a chalice. ;)

Not sure about the color sense of that nice lady with the mitre.

Seriously, it is a lovely church in a lovely bit of middle America.
The nice lady is the Presiding Bishop. When you carry the primatial crozier, you get to wear whatever you want.

It is a wonderful church and very traditional - rood screen, altar against the wall, etc. In one of those unusual things, I attended this church for nine years when we first moved to Indiana, and before I was ordained. We have an active non-food pantry for the poor, and we are very invested in the Hispanic mission, so we are working on outreach.
Penzance is one of my many Latweed loves!!! Creamy is a good description. Smoky is another. Both fit well. I have a goodly bit jarred plus a big ol' bag I've been sittin' on for 5+ years. And, yes, Margate is on my favs list also!!! Got it jarred and bagged also. Now this discussion really has me revved up to tap some of both tonight!!!! :lol: FTRPLT
Brewdude":zxbbvahx said:
FWIW I like Margate mo betta.


Can I talk you into a quick comparison of the two? Penzance I know well...Margate I know nothing about, but am curious.

I guess you can go home again.

I saw all the various activities and have always felt that outreach proves who we are. It is sometimes hard to find dedication in these modern times and the congregation is admirable.

I kinda figure the nice lady was the big kahuna. The guy next to her didn't have as big a crozier.
idbowman":7us6mabq said:
Brewdude":7us6mabq said:
FWIW I like Margate mo betta.


Can I talk you into a quick comparison of the two?  Penzance I know well...Margate I know nothing about, but am curious.
Margate is just Latakia and Orientals. To me the Orientals have a very prominent presence, and the Latakia is the supporting role. Plus it's a shag cut, which makes packing a breeze.

Penzance is VA, Latakia, Oriental, and Turkish in a rubbed out flake form. The Latakia is so pronounced it's all I can taste.

Guess I prefer the forward Orientals of Margate.

