For some reason...

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
For some reason I keep coming back here to see if there are any new posts, on going discussions, bickering, or what ever. Why do I keep doing this? Maybe I want to learn more about pipes and tobacco, see whats happening with everyone else, or just killing time. While all of these explanations are true, I also want to feel that everything is normal.
Bub":hhdsdtfs said:
For some reason I keep coming back here to see if there are any new posts, on going discussions, bickering, or what ever. Why do I keep doing this? Maybe I want to learn more about pipes and tobacco, see whats happening with everyone else, or just killing time. While all of these explanations are true, I also want to feel that everything is normal.
Ditto, me too. I think for me there are so few people around me that have similar interest (i.e. pipes & baccy, crazed political discussions where you get to be heard, discussions on music & literature, beer & booze and general madness). I surf here during slow periods at work (which is quite often now) I'm sure when (or if) the ecomomy picks up I'll not be lurking around as much. Till then this place provides a little distraction, some camaraderie and lot's o' fun.
EJ :pipe:
I have become a total forum junky. I find myself following 4 different forums discusions.

oh well...

Same here. I see this place so much more as an actual community than just an internet forum and have some great personal friendships as a result. Compared to some other forums that I have and currently participate on, this place is definitely special. It all has to do with the people. A lot of us are extensions of former pipe BBs and forums such as Knox and Stoker's Haven that laid the ground work for us. A big thanks to Jason for keeping our virtual and real international pipe community alive with BoB!!! :D
A really interesting observation that I've never addressed directly, but have felt for years. I think of 'marking time' in terms BI (before internet) DI (during internet) ages. I've participates in many forums over the years, 'the internet world of the pipe' being a fairly recent one. I joined the 'computer revolution' in the middle ages during the Windows 3.11 - Windows 95 days and discovered forums, newsgroups, user groups fairly early on. At first it was a desire to keep up with the 'bleeding edge' and rapid development of 'support knowledge' surrounding the computer hardware/software communities and then the 'web design' communities. About the time of the .Bomb I found pipe communities and joined in.

I know that those of us who are older (30 and above) remember that we lived 'full lives' before computers and 'the internet'. but I barely remember 'how' we did this. I remember the first few weeks, months after my wife and I first 'got online' and were staying up 36 hours each day (yeah I know that a day is only 24 hours long) fascinated by 'the information super highway' on our 28.8 external modem. I remember how fascinating chatting in real time was for me, the idea that I was chatting with people from all over the globe in real time was (and still is) incredible to me.

I've had a few times in my life during moves and re-locations where I was 'deprived' internet for several weeks at a time. I was out of touch, I felt as though I'd time traveled back to the dark ages, ok that's a stretch, but I did feel very out of sorts.

I think the computer and the internet have so revolutionized the way we as humans communicate, obtain information and look for anything that we are altered as a species, and may have 'evolved' (a poetic usage not a scientific one) and changed psychologically to meet/deal with these changes. My gut reaction is, if we all share this feeling of needing to connect (how often reflected by our degree of 'buying into the internet identity') what happens if the internet suddenly WASN'T THERE? :affraid:

No Bub, I suspect you are not alone, I think humankind has changed (evolved) with the advent of the 'information age' that our methods of being have been influenced, maybe permanently.
While I'm new at this forum, I've been a net junkie since about '93, and am a long-standing member of several forums. (I was even a subscriber to the original Pipes Digest.) I think fairly small forums like this one very definitely do count as communities. In some senses, they are an improvement on 'meatspace' communities in that the interaction is purely mind-to-mind.
I've also met several forum friends in meatspace, and it's always been pleasant. It's a strange feeling to pick up conversations in the way one does with long-standing friends with someone you laid eyes on for the first time 5 minutes ago.