Frog Morton's Cellar?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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A mellow, fragrant Stave-Aged Latakia Blend enhanced with stave cubes cut from barrels used to mature and flavor Frog Morton's Own special whiskeys. The unique whiskey character is at once dleicate and rich. He considers this skillfully crafted, beaturifully balanced mixture to be the stellar achievement of his well-stocked cellar.

Thoughts? Anyone know the release date?
Interesting. One question though, Is the tobacco weighed with or without the wood chunk? ;)
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!! Now this is exciting! Why do I feel like a 12 year old school girl? Crap...uh....(deepens voice) this is good, I look forward to it's arrival.
:lol: Someone's gonna have to do a "weight test" by taring out the can and the chunk of wood, and see if it matches up. Kind of a cool gimmick, but we ain't no dummies.

I think it's worth a try. If it's too sweet, I'll skip it, but if it's a whiskey take on Frog Morton, I'd be in. I like classic Frog.

I'm a big fan of FM and FMOTT, so this is one I'm keeping my eye on. Kind of a cool feature, putting that chunk of wood in (it better not weigh much!), even if it is just a gimmick. I'm sure my better half will be overjoyed when several tins of this arrive. :lol:
Any blend other than Frog and I would not be taken in by this obvious gimmick.

But FM is quite special, and no blend more befitting of such treatment - the very though of it aging away on my shelf, with that bit of whiskey barrel slowly lending it's magic to the baccy...

I think it's safe to say this will be worth having, as FM can do no wrong...
gandalfpc":2ekjn8q3 said:
Any blend other than Frog and I would not be taken in by this obvious gimmick.

But FM is quite special, and no blend more befitting of such treatment - the very though of it aging away on my shelf, with that bit of whiskey barrel slowly lending it's magic to the baccy...

I think it's safe to say this will be worth having, as FM can do no wrong...
Ok so I am really intrigued by this. McClelland doesn't strike me as gimmicky. I am thinking some thought went into this, and surely some testing, at least one would hope.

I am not a huge fan of FMOTT, but I think FMATP is pretty darn good for a milder latakia mix. I like my Latakia blends to be a little more edgy and complex. But a little whisky, a chunk of barrel wood, who knows? For some reason, I have to buy some and I will. :p This has me feeling positive about something new, the same way I felt about GLP-Sextant prior to the release.

I want to make some sort of joke about wood being in places that it shouldn't be, but I'll refrain.
Classic Frog is okay.

I do really like Across the Pond though. Not a bad Latakia blend at all.

I'll try this one.

Why not?

...I'm more excited for Xmas cheer 2012...
I emailed to the contact for pipeshowonline and he emailed to McClelland. They hope to be moving this out to retailers mid-September. Glad he got this info so I can get it sent to the next place instead of here. But that is the time frame gentlemen,
kaiser83":hrog9wql said:
I emailed to the contact for pipeshowonline and he emailed to McClelland. They hope to be moving this out to retailers mid-September. Glad he got this info so I can get it sent to the next place instead of here. But that is the time frame gentlemen,
Thanks for the update!