Gents, I've been bitten in the tongue

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
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That's right. And it sucks. :evil:

I guess this might have something to do with a pipe club evening I attended last weekend, and with all the exciting tobaccoes being thrusted at me, Oh you have to try this. No! Try this instead, or next! ... etc etc for hours. I've never had significant tongue-burn problems before, and it didn't happen right after that evening, but has been building up this week. I've been perhaps smoking more heavily than I should anyway, but the new pipes and tobaccos and the brilliant combo of a pipe and an audio book has been just too much to resist. But the last bowl I had - and aged burley to boot - made it clear that this can't continue. I must give the poor tongue a couple of days rest. Gah!

Please brothers, tell me it'll go away. :(
Tongue fatigue, I'd guess. :) I get that after a hang-out at our local Tinder Box and six hours has passed by, all four of my pipes have been used up for a smoke and someone had the bright idea to go get a double-maduro cigar. :pale:


It goes away. Give your mouth two things...

* A gentle brushing, including the tongue. Use about half the toothpaste you normally would if it has a ton of mint/menthol in it.

* A gentle salt gargle. Not seawater-strong, but maybe a teaspoon in a cup of warm water.

This works best just before bed. The next morning, only stick with your mildest tobacco. Considering my thoughts on Dunhill Flake I posted very recently, this might be a good one...I had a raw tongue this morning and DF was the right answer. :)

You'll be fine.

Thanks for your advice, Kyle! Indeed, what happened was a 6+ hour night with all my 5 pipes used, so some repercussions were to be expected. :lol:

Yeah, tongue-fatique seems to be it. What a killjoy!
This probably sounds too self-evident to even mention, but move the stem around. If you're always hitting the same spot, said spot will tend to get sore after a while. Up, down, sideways, &c. Spread it around. 8)

:cat: :face: :study:
Nice point, Yak.

BJ, If you tend to isolate on one part of the tongue, it's gonna get raw. Switch it up. Interestingly, folks question why I bring my "nice briars" along side my "humble cobs." Easy answer: I hold them differently, and naturally, they go to different tongue-spots.

Along the same lines with different directions, check out this article I was reading recently... kind of a neat thing to experiment, but also will get you thinking of the tongue as multifaceted rather than a sole specialist. :)

:cyclops: Biotene works wonders for me. Don't know if it is available where you are. Best of luck.
Biotene is very good, because it's intended to soothe dry mouth. I've found sipping GatorAid while smoking works for me. I was commenting that I wasn't troubled by tongue bite anymore, and an MD with whom I'd just had a debate re: 2nd hand smoke observed that after 50 years of pipery I was fortunate to be able to differentiate a chardonnay from, say, sauvignon (sp?) blanc, but he's probably just in a bad mood from Obamacare. Yet another self-evident suggestion: moderation. The human tongue isn't made for sampling ten kinds of tobacco in 45 minutes no matter who is urging you onward.
Hey, thanks for the tips! Yes, I try to move the pipe around to not to scorch one spot all the time, but I guess too much has been too much lately. I'll give the poor tongue a short rest and some TLC.
I smoke 5 maybe 6 bowls in a DAY but that's usually spread out over 12 to 14 hours. FIVE bowls in just 6 hours, WAY to much ! That would burn my "old farts" tongue for sure :p For me, I've found that allowing at least 1 hour btwn bowls is a requirement for me. And I've found that blends that are Burley heavy or based DO NOT work with my system and will give me major tongue bite no matter how "easy" I smoke 'em, so I don't :p So it's a matter of AMOUNT/TIME and TYPE of 'bac that seems to have gotten ya ! Give your tongue a rset for at least 1 full day would be what I would do ! :p
dkj42":pxbcuyr1 said:
:cyclops: Biotene works wonders for me. Don't know if it is available where you are. Best of luck.
+1 on Biotene :king:
Guilty as charged, monbla! :oops:

It was just an impossible situation. So many tobaccos, I felt like a kid in a candy store. The rare chance to smoke inside. And the rum to cloud one's judgement on top of that. :lol: I'll be sure to be more careful next time.
+1 on Biotene. Excellent product and well worth the cost. A good tongue brushing using an anti-sensitivity tooth paste like Sensodyne or Crest Total Health works for me quite nicely as well.

Altogether nothing beats father time for the best way to heal up nicely. Personally I enjoy putting the pipe down for 3-4 days and coming back to smoking. I refer to this as "rebooting" my palate. This works wonders if I am shifting gears from some big full bodied blends to milder more nuanced mixtures.
I bite my tongue every now and then; I hate that! :twisted:
I sometimes bite my cheek too; that's even worse. ;)
Warm salt water as well as Biotene are part of my daily regimen as others have suggested.

Also, if you own a Peterson with the P-lip stem, today would be a great day to break it out, further giving your tongue a break from the standard fishtail.
Hey, the salt water thing seems to be working great! Thanks for the tip, gents. 8)

Biotene is apparently sold here in drugstores, but the importer seems to have run out of it right now. I'll see to this later. I hate not being able to enjoy smoking!

Dutch, I've actually had my eyes on a certain Pete and contemplated on placing a bid... you might have just encouraged my PAD. :twisted:
If Biotene doesn't become available soon, any alcohol-free mouth rinse will due as a substitute (Biotene really about the best, but in a pinch, others will do).

Best advice - HYDRATE!!! If you know you're gonna have a heavy smoking session (clubs, etc.) get plenty of water into you ahead of time...if you can't plan ahead, sipping water/sports drinks while smoking helps, too (ok, ok...not as exciting as the booze, but it helps). If you do get bit, the biotene and salt water suggestions are the best way to go, but keeping hydrated helps speed the healing along as well.
The Bowman speaks the truth.

Dare I bring up sparkling water/seltzer water/club soda again? :lol: Almost got run out of town for that one.

Beetle, if it's good enough for espresso snobs (like me) it had to work for tobacco: and it does. Lovely pair, sparkling water and a pipe. :)

dkj42":zxwie7k5 said:
:cyclops: Biotene works wonders for me. Don't know if it is available where you are. Best of luck.
I am just learning the proper way to pack and puff, I thing the tongue bite mildly I used biotene before bed next day It was better, I managed two bowls with no bite, maybe I'm starting to get the pack right :drunken: