Good night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are! ;)

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Broken Pipe
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
Been off the grid for a few days with balance problems things will get better after my perfusion on Tuesday.

Still off balance but wanted to have a light smoke so I filled the Altinok-Davorin collaboration Calabash (the gourd portion and stem were made by Davorin using 8500 y/o Morta and the intricate Meerschaum bowl was made by Altinok) with 965 and keeping it smokey.


Balance problem Banjo?
I can only assume your using that pipe to stop you falling backwards :D
Have never seen a more beautiful counterweight!
Cripes, that thing's so big it must have its own zip code.

Banjo, smoking that thing I reckon having issues with your balance would be the least of your worries. I'd be more concerned about a prolapse disc or spinal compression.
To quote one of the idiots running for president, "It's yuuuge!". Beautiful pipe!
No doubt about it. That's a pipe to be proud of. :)

What?  No bamboo in this one!  Sorry to hear of your balance problem. I hope you get squared away soon.