Greetings from Sarasota FL

Brothers of Briar

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Broken Pipe
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I have been smoking a pipe since 2000, I was huge into cigars hence the name, and it is my handle on other sites. I took a break from my pipes around 2009 and got back into them this May. I am now back full bore with PAD and TAD owning me. I love collecting pipes and buying tobacco. I am focusing my collection right now on American guys most notably Rad Davis. I smoke Virginia Flakes and Vaper flakes 99 percent of the time with the occasional Boswelll aromatic mixed in. I am basically retired so I have plenty of time to hang out and smoke my pipes. I smoke on average 5-6 bowls a day. I prefer pipes in the group 5-6 range with some that are larger.

I am originally from Boston and moved here to Sarasota in 2003. I have 4 kids, two boys and two girls ages 22,18,17,10. My two boys live with me( 22, 17 year olds) and they are my official pipe cleaners. I taught them how to do it right so I don't have to. Yeah they bitch when it is time to clean dads pipes but too bad. lol I them, it builds character. Well that is enough about me, I hope to be able to add to the discussion.
Welcome to BoB and I hope to see you around the boards a lot, especially in PAD/TAD with pics. Rad is a great carver from what I have read and seen around here on BoB, and an excellent guy, you will see him around here plenty. Enjoy brother and again...welcome.
Welcome to the forums! I look forward to hearing more from you 'round here

Welcome! You and I have almost the exact same tastes in tobacco! :cheers:

I look forward to seeing some pictures of that pipe collection!