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Sep 26, 2015
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Thanks for the add!
I'm just coming back to the world of pipe smoking after an extended hiatus. I took up pipe smoking in the fall of 2003 and was a dedicated pipe smoker for about 5 years. In that time I built up a nice collection of pipes and tobaccos. My favorite pipe was my Ferndown bark billiard which I dedicated to Haddo's Delight exclusively....amazing! My personal favorite!!!
Long story short...
I eventually gave it up. Clearly I was suffering from insanity. I quit mostly because of the constant nagging of my now ex-wife,but partly because I was running out of time with the job and two kids under two etc.. Excuses, excuses....
The saddest part?
I sold off everything!
Yes, EVERYTHING!!! All the way down to the tampers and cleaners! It stings me now because I think of what some of those blends would have tasted like with five years on them. I managed to snatch up some aged tins along the way...I even had some Christmas cheer from variuos years in the 90's etc.
So here I am...empty handed, Literally...no pipes and no tobacco... yet. But I'm already shopping around and ready to dive back in. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I see some new changes in the pipe world and I'm excited to do some catching up! I'm especially excited to get my hands on some of my old favorite blends. Especially from C&D, GLP, McClellands, Rattrays, and the like.
Thanks for having me. I hope to meet some of you out here.
Hey Tully, first of all welcome to BoB. You'll get sage wisdom here about anything and everything you want from the world of pipedom.

Welcome back to the pipe. I myself took an ~8 yr hiatus a while back but have returned with a vengeance....heh! And this board has been instrumental in getting my technique sorted out as well as introducing me to myriad 'baccys.

You'll be in good company here and hope you enjoy your voyage. And I once hailed from the windy city many years ago as a young lad.


Welcome, Tully! A number of us have returned to the pipe after a hiatus; you're in good company

Welcome back Tully! Maybe the pipe gods recognised that you needed a fresh start and the selling of all your pipe paraphernalia was all part of their master plan? And here you are! A fresh start, how liberating!
Lovely to see you here old boy.
Well, if that's any consolation, I'll have you know that there are folks far worse off (referring to myself)

When I gave up pipe smoking for five years, I didn't sell my pipes and tobaccos, I just gave it out as presents here and there. And there were Savinelli Autographs, Claudio Cavicchis..... sealed 100 grams of Compton's of Galashiels Balkan and Macedonian Mixture, a solid amount of unobtainium these days (yes, I had Penzance) and so on. I was left with a dozen of pipes, and no tobacco at all.

At least you made some money if that's any comfort to you.

So you realized like I did a while ago that there are no former or ex pipe smokers, and next time you put down the pipe to rest for a year or two, DON'T by any chance get rid of the collection!

Welcome back, and wish you cool smoke!
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
balkan_boy that give away must have stung and really haunted you! I know I'm kicking myself for getting rid of my stuff.

Lately I'm obsessing over quite a few Castellos and Cavicchi's. I'm curious about the mid-range American pipes and I'm anticipating getting some Tinsky's. I hear nothing but good things about Mark's pipes.

I'll take all my curiosities and questions out there to the rest of the forum.

Welcome aboard. Sorry to hear of your loss. At least cobs are cheap haha
Welcome to BoB, welcome back to the hobby. Dreadful loss of all your stuff but like anything else you can only make the best decision you can at the time with the information at hand. Try not to beat yourself up. It's nice to have another confirmed Haddo's fan around. Johann.