Help with a question I can’t seem to find by googling

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Hello from Selma Alabama
B of B Supporter
Aug 6, 2023
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I need some help from someone who may know the answer to my question: I am selling a Caminetto pipe on eBay that I bought a few years ago. I noticed (not until I took pictures to sell) that on the bottom of the pipe the name savinelli and two letters I can’t figure out. Also, both are written in cursive. A potential buyer asked if it was a Savinelli or Caminetto. I can’t seem to find an answer. Did Savinelli make pipes for Caminetto? I want to make sure I didn’t buy and now am selling some knockoff. Oh yeah, the stem has the a white mustache that looks like commas.


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These are the pictures which are giving me trouble. A Caminetto with Savinelli on bottom.


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It might have been sold in the Sav shop, and that's why it is there. I've seen one with "AR" in a different cursive font stamped on a pipe. And no, it wasn't for Ascorti-Radice. This was clearly a stamp indicating something else I later learned was for a shop in Switzerland(?). The pictures you're showing are a Caminetto pipe and an established Caminetto shape. I believe it was from a series of 4 or 5 shapes for an anniversary or commemoration. I highly doubt anyone else ever made Caminetto pipes for Caminetto. It would be the first time I've ever heard of that if it was.
It might have been sold in the Sav shop, and that's why it is there. I've seen one with "AR" in a different cursive font stamped on a pipe. And no, it wasn't for Ascorti-Radice. This was clearly a stamp indicating something else I later learned was for a shop in Switzerland(?). The pictures you're showing are a Caminetto pipe and an established Caminetto shape. I believe it was from a series of 4 or 5 shapes for an anniversary or commemoration. I highly doubt anyone else ever made Caminetto pipes for Caminetto. It would be the first time I've ever heard of that if it was.
Thank you so much! That was very helpful!
Thank you so much! That was very helpful!
I need to amend my previous statement a little, which doesn't affect your situation at all. Just for the sake of accuracy.

1) That Swiss shop's stamp was NOT "AR". It was "GH". See the image below. They must have done it to every pipe they sold. Even very expensive Former pipes have been seen with it. Also, you'll see some misinformation about this on the pipedia pages, saying it was possibly Harvey Grief stamping his own collection of pipes. I should probably report it and have that removed. I think it started when I was asking about this stamp and doing some research behind it.
2) I believe Ascorti also had this Caminetto shape you're trying to sell.

3) here is another example of the pipe you're trying to sell, though this one appears to have a replacement stem with a not-very-accurate wings stamp
Good news on the Caminetto mystery. I sent pictures to Tim Davis who is the owner of a pipe store in Wilmington, NC. He forwarded the pics to a couple of guys, and the pics ended up going all the way to Ascorti pipes in Italy. Someone there at Ascort emailed Tim and explained that they made 4 varieties of Caminetto representing the 4 Maritime regions in Italy. The pipe in my possession was one of the varieties that went to the Genoa region and were sold by a guy named Savinelli (nothing to do with brand Savinelli) and that's why his name is on the bottom and the initials GE represents the Genoa region. Tim didn't know how to forward the email, but was going to get his wife to forward it to me. I may have left out some details. Hopefully, I will know more soon.
Good news on the Caminetto mystery. I sent pictures to Tim Davis who is the owner of a pipe store in Wilmington, NC. He forwarded the pics to a couple of guys, and the pics ended up going all the way to Ascorti pipes in Italy. Someone there at Ascort emailed Tim and explained that they made 4 varieties of Caminetto representing the 4 Maritime regions in Italy. The pipe in my possession was one of the varieties that went to the Genoa region and were sold by a guy named Savinelli (nothing to do with brand Savinelli) and that's why his name is on the bottom and the initials GE represents the Genoa region. Tim didn't know how to forward the email, but was going to get his wife to forward it to me. I may have left out some details. Hopefully, I will know more soon.
Fascinating! Who could have guessed? Although, Zeno Marx was pretty much on target.
I'm a bit late to this thread; been traveling!! FWIW, your pipe is a much older Caminetto. The "wings" are actually a gold moustache! I have one big bent, a "Business" shape 208, I bought years ago with the gold moustache. It's a wonderful smoker. FTRPLT
I'm likely in the minority about this, and maybe alone, but when I think of the early Caminetto eras, while they're both supposed to be a mustache, I think of the crude thin wave as wings and then the more clearly represented thick mustache as the gold mustache.

I swear there is a photo or two of this series online somewhere, but I cannot find it. In my mind, I can picture one of the other shapes, but I can't remember the other two. When you see them as a group, they make old world sense, like you're seeing something out of an old world painting.

All of this is a little hazy, but I believe this is another from that series. This is from the Ascorti line. It's for the Amalfi Coast. Amalfitana shape.
AH!!!!!!!!!. Here we go.
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I'm likely in the minority about this, and maybe alone, but when I think of the early Caminetto eras, while they're both supposed to be a mustache, I think of the crude thin wave as wings and then the more clearly represented thick mustache as the gold mustache.

I swear there is a photo or two of this series online somewhere, but I cannot find it. In my mind, I can picture one of the other shapes, but I can't remember the other two. When you see them as a group, they make old world sense, like you're seeing something out of an old world painting.

All of this is a little hazy, but I believe this is another from that series. This is from the Ascorti line. It's for the Amalfi Coast. Amalfitana shape.
AH!!!!!!!!!. Here we go.

Thank you so much for your shared knowledge and your research!
Cool. Thanks. That is in line with the Ascorti brochure found in one of those links above. I was wondering if they used the same names, but the two makers oddly applied them to different shapes. Doesn't look like it. Didn't seem like they would, but who knows with these bona fide artists?