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Zeno Marx
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    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to Swede's post in the thread VA flakes with Like Like.
      This has given me the best smokes of LNF. I used to dry it more, but stripping a flake apart into strands which are springy and slightly...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread VA flakes.
      strip it like string cheese and stuff it with medium pressure, especially Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake. With the thicker flakes, I 90%...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread OK…a Ron Special…MORTA..
      like the black athletic tape effect...also sharp the way the morta lines run constant with the stem lines.
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Binge-worthy TV shows?.
      HEADS UP: new season of Hotel Portofino begins this Sunday on PBS. Already aired in the UK in April/May.
    • Zeno Marx
      Never have to worry about all that garbage, I don't own a cellphone and won't. I think there a worthless play toy for most and I'm not...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to ftrplt's post in the thread Selling your McClelland's? with Like Like.
      No problems this morning. I will admit that on occasion his site can be a little "jerky!!" I just let him and his site administrator...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Selling your McClelland's?.
      if you buy from Pipestud, and are successful getting exactly what you want, you must have the gods in your favor. Every time I go to the...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Help identify pipe.
      Do any era of the Estellas have that kind of uniform carving? I've seen various stylings, but nothing like that. That pipe could be...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to joshoowah's post in the thread It's been a while... with Like Like.
      Some of you may remember me. I've been on hiatus for a number of years now, only popping in when my name directly comes up. For those...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread TENNIS.
      talk about hands and variety and doubles skills...Krejčíková. If the nerves don't get them, it's going to be a great match. Had to...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread TENNIS.
      I recognized the word, and I think it was through hiking gear or surplus. A Tyrol backpack/rucksack style? Something like that. As for...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to Aussiemike's post in the thread Can money buy happiness? with Like Like.
      Zeno I read your posts over and over to really appreciate your wise words not because it is not coherent its just my slow brain needs to...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to fireman11's post in the thread TENNIS with Like Like.
      Regarding the northern part of Italy. That is the Tyrol region. Pre ww1 is was split between Italy and the Austro Hungarian empire...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to asowen's post in the thread TENNIS with Like Like.
      To quote or paraphrase David Foster Wallace, tennis is a combination of chess and boxing. The constant strategy mixed with the extreme...
    • Zeno Marx
      Can't say I have a preference. A couple of my favorite feeling pipes are both Charatans, with 16th bent stems on pipes normally seen as...
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