Left or Right?

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Jan 18, 2015
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Just out of curiosity, which side of your mouth do you puff and are you a righty or a lefty?

I'm a righty that smokes with my left hand and side of my mouth.

Not too sure why, other than habit but it doesn't feel right smoking with my right side of my mouth.


I think that's normal Tim, for I smoke left handed and clench and smoke with the left side of my mouth ONLY. ;)
Left handed - smoke with my left hand and clench on the left - I guess its a strong side for me!
I'm more of a centrist in life so either side works well for me just depends on which hand gets to the pipe first !! :twisted: :twisted:
Right handed and sip on the right! I like to be sat in a chair with arms to support my elbow too.
I was thinking about asking the same thing, being a new pipe smoker I was curious. I still smoke cigs & cigars, generally smoking them in the center to right side of the mouth & holding them in my right hand. I smoke my pipe in the left side of my mouth & generally hold it with my left hand. I'm not sure if it's because I light it with my right hand being a right-handed person, but I do that with cigars & always switch to the right after lighting. I don't seem to do that with my pipe it tends to stay in the left hand. Maybe it's a left brain -right brain thing who knows or my mind wants the pipe flavor on the left all by itself!
:scratch: I switch back and forth, but I think I smoke slightly more on the left side, but usually light up on the right
I'm a south paw, so I hold with the left but light with the right. Although, if the blend I'm smoking is a bit astringent, then I switch back and forth to spread out the burn in the lips. But then, being a Lefty, I am prone to hold the pipe in my right hand and thus, the stem sits on the right.


or fickle...........
Have to admit I've never considered this consuming issue.... ;)

I suppose, as a right hander I tend to favor the right side. I also rather like to sleep on my right side. Not that there's any connection there, mind.

At the same time, if conditions dictate I might also switch the pipe to the left side and then use the left hand. Just as a bit of a jolly good change-up you see. Keeps it interesting, really.


Seriously though, I do rather find that the smoke stream directed to a different side on the old mouth does provide some difference in the flavor.


I switch around, but my left side is the most comfortable. I read somewhere that it's good idea to move it around as to avoid one spot becoming irritated over and over. If I'm not occupied with some  manual task, I'll smoke in the middle without clenching. Kind of like a straw. Sometimes I notice different flavors and notes depending on where I direct the smoke in my mouth. FWIW.
Brewdude":kdsgbhdv said:
Seriously though, I do rather find that the smoke stream directed to a different side on the old mouth does provide some difference in the flavor.


And I never really thought much about it but, there is a flavor change. I'm right handed yet I smoke left and if I do slide it to the right to reach into the frig or a cabinet to avoid hitting my pipe it does change the flavor drastically to the point of almost no flavor. I must be left tongued, although I do shoot a rifle left handed but, a revolver right so I must be left eyed also. So that makes me right brained half the time and left brained half the time. I wonder if the center gets jealous? ;)
Just tried smoking on the right side of my mouth and yes the flavour is changed and not in a way I like. Similar to Cart, the flavour is distinctly lessened which I find odd as I don't notice this when I'm eating or smoking cigars. Weird.


I'm a righty, and I mostly clench on the right, but I move it to the left a lot, too.
If I'm at home sitting in my recliner I hold the pipe with my left hand and smoke from the left side of my mouth but if I'm driving it's just the opposite. :)


Edited for spelling. Sometimes I type faster than I think and then have a brain freeze when I check it before posting. I'm a product of my age. :lol: :lol: :lol:
righty, smoke left(feels most natural) but try to smoke middle and right, also. an oral surgeon told me to do it this way. he used to smoke a pipe, himself. good advice i think. bill
Full on lefty. I do however use my right hand to hold the pipe when I light it.
I am right handed but hold my pipe and cigars on the left side with my left hand. A dentist told me I was a left side chewer , and almost exclusively chew on the left side. So maybe I put cigars and pipes on the left side because i chew all my food on that side? Maybe the taste buds develop more on the side we use most?
Both sides, and neither is less or more comfortable than the other. Guess I am ambidextrous in this regard.