Pipe Smoking Contest

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
I have never participated in a pipe smoking contest, and was thinking of trying it at the Chicago show in May. I'm wondering if there is a way to prepare for such an event. I was wondering what kind of pipe they use, the tobacco type and amount... How to practice for it, and what would be considered a good time? Not like... "oh, a good time was had by all"... but "his time was the best... he wins!" Anyway, just a thought.
The only time I've ever done this was about 25 years ago. To my recollection, each participant was given the same amount of the same tobacco, two matches, and a hearty good luck.

The last person standing (or sitting) with the pipe still going wins. I made it to about fourth or fifth place (there were something like 20 or 25 people involved, if I remember).

The prize at that event was a nice pipe.
