Pipe/Tobacco Spreadsheet

Brothers of Briar

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Apr 5, 2023
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Ever since I started this hobby, I've noticed that I'll determine that a tobacco is wonderful, but then I smoke it again, probably in a different pipe, and it tastes mediocre. Gotten tired of not remembering what tasted good in what, so I made a simple spreadsheet with pipes across the top, and tobaccos down the side. Now when I smoke something, I note how the experience went. Simple, one word things like good, ok, bad, amazing, etc. I've got 15 pipes and 13 tobaccos, and I only smoke 4 days a week, usually 2 or 3 bowls a day. So this might take a while.

Has anyone else done something similar?
I have a spreadsheet with all my tobaccos and my ratings, but I like your idea of adding which pipe works well with which tobacco. I've been having the same problem. The tobacco tastes great in one pipe and hollow in another.
I did that, with pipes in one column and tobaccos in the next column, and then the date I last smoked the pairing in the next column. You can imagine how long pairing every single pipe to a certain tobacco would last. Not very long. Now I keep all the blends I buy and make at home in an app called Recipe Keeper. You can rank it with one to five stars, and group the tobaccos by genre.
Actually yes, my master reference log is an Access based file and my standardized ratings forms for each genre are macro spreadsheets that I built in Excel. I trial so many blends, and like you, I wanted some comparative objective data to make future purchasing decision on
Add the temperature and relative humidity and you’ll have what I used to do.
I don't think either gets talked about enough. I know they can make a significant difference. They do with me, at least.