Preparing plug tobacco

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
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Hey guys, just been looking at Mick McQuaid's Plug Cut and it seems mighty tasty, I'm just a bit apprehensive of the preparation it takes to ready a pipeful, any advice?
I have always used a sharp knife to shave off a little pile. Then rub that out a bit as it drys for 20 -30 minutes or so on paper. But some have had success cutting plugs into little cubes and gravity feeding. Not packing it tightly to give it room to expand. I would think that some very fine chopped as tinder on top would help to get it lit. And then someone I read uses a vegetable peeler to slice thin pieces from a plug. I think that has good possibilities.
Hey vegetable peeler sounds like a good idea! Though it might make it too close to ribbon cut for me, think your method of rubbing it out and whilst drying sounds like a good plan, cheers!
Mick McQuaid's Cut Plug
It's an already sliced plug: flake. You can rub it, or dice the flakes (slices) with scissors, but I prefer just to stuff them whole into the bowl. This way they can be hard to light, but they burn more slowly, stay cooler and show a more intense flavour.
Eulenburg":ghe0yku4 said:
Mick McQuaid's Cut Plug
It's an already sliced plug: flake. You can rub it, or dice the flakes (slices) with scissors, but I prefer just to stuff them whole into the bowl. This way they can be hard to light, but they burn more slowly, stay cooler and show a more intense flavour.
It would not surprise me if it comes both ways. It's not sold here in the US now, so it's pretty rare.
I have never seen it as an uncut plug; they might sell that in Germany, though they are not big on plug tobacco. Anyway, he's got the cut plug.
I've seen in for sale both ways ... the only type I've had (& have) is the plug, in different packaging than displayed below.


With the plug, I have had great luck if I just shave off little chunks or dice it up & gravity fill a pipe. It takes a bit to get it going to start with, but once I get it started, I have very little trouble the rest of the way through the bowl. The stuffs a great tobacco & very much worth the extra effort, no matter how you try & prepare it.