Pumpkin Cheesecake

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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Has anyone purchased this? It's a seasonal P&C offering. I do enjoy a good quality aromatic and was looking forward to receiving this blend, but my sense of sight, taste, and smell tell me that what I've got here is a non-aromatic toasted burley with a peppering of green river cavendish.

Has anyone else sampled Pumpkin Cheesecake? Is it as I just described? I'm curious as to whether the wrong stuff ended up in the bag.

I haven't tried it but am feeling a bit of an aromatic itch, which is really strange for me. Looking at the Pipeworks & Wilke website to scratch this itch, I didn't spot this blend. Is this something you need to call in for?
Woops, wrong initials...P&C I meant; Pipes and Cigars. I'll edit the original post.

I haven't tried it but the name sounds awful tempting.
UberHuberMan":qj95y9c5 said:
I haven't tried it but am feeling a bit of an aromatic itch, which is really strange for me. Looking at the Pipeworks & Wilke website to scratch this itch, I didn't spot this blend. Is this something you need to call in for?
Well if you happen to pick some Pumpkin Cheesecake up from P&C please let me know if it strikes you as an aromatic.
Storm_Crow":y4lz46d7 said:
UberHuberMan":y4lz46d7 said:
I haven't tried it but am feeling a bit of an aromatic itch, which is really strange for me. Looking at the Pipeworks & Wilke website to scratch this itch, I didn't spot this blend. Is this something you need to call in for?
Well if you happen to pick some Pumpkin Cheesecake up from P&C please let me know if it strikes you as an aromatic.
That I shall! I'll probably place an order tomorrow when I get my paycheck. :)
I haven't gotten the chance to try it, but have read a few reviews on it on other sites, & from what I understand, its a fairly potent aromatic. Sounds like you got the wrong baggie. I'd give P&C a call, sure they'd ship you out the right stuff.
Go to P&C and do a search using 'pumpkin'. You'll come up with both the blend you're talking about here (which, it says, is goin' mainstream) and one that is says is like on steroids (think it's a hooka blend). Anyway...it's interesting.
So I nabbed 4 oz of this with my order of FVF recently. I've had two bowls and would definitely say it's an aromatic.

The tobacco doesn't even approach goopy. In fact, the moisture content is surprisingly low. Easy to pack and light and stays lit easily. Interesting flavor that doesn't particularly appeal to me, but if I stretch the imagination, I could say I was tasting something pumpkin-esque but definitely not cheesecake like.

I'm ready to pass this one on. I'll post an offering in the trading post. Check there if you'd like to give this blend a shot.
Even with the mild aros I enjoy, I don't really want to have to use my imagination to find the flavor. My idea of a light aro is something like 4noggins Essence of Vermont, in which the tobacco flavor of burly and perique easily comes through, but the aromatic flavor (in this case maple) is still obviously there.

I get that folks don't want something "goopy" and the desire to enjoy the taste of the tobacco along side that of the aromatic flavor, but seriously, if you didn't really want to taste the aromatic aspect...why did ya just pack a bull full 'o aromitic tobacco in the first place? :lol:
