
Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
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No matter how gently I sniff I still get snuff in the back of my throat.
Granted my only experience so far has been with Wilsons, do ya'll have any tips or tricks that might help?
Wilson's is very finely ground,take a literal pinch of it between thumb
and forefinger and slowly release pressure on the fingers as you sniff.

Winslow :sunny:
Another trick is to take a deep breath, and just before you reach lung capacity, use the last little bit of room to take the snuff. Then you can train yourself to use only that much force.
I think Winslow's suggestion is the classic way to take a pinch of snuff.

If you snuff from the back of your hand, you can simply "breathe" in the powder, without actually sniffing.
yes, sniff really isnt the right word. With snuff that fine, sprinkle a little and gently inhale.