Reality Check

Brothers of Briar

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"Reality Check" : a term I first heard around 30 years ago, used by touring musicians with road shows (Engelbert Humperdinck and the like) whose lives were triangular for months on end (bus -- gig -- motel). Back in those naive days, catching the 6:00 News was the daily "reality check" (the rest of the average day became kind of surreal after a while).

Now, with the illusion of any kind of linkage between "the nooze" and reality in any form that doesn't advance some (advertiser's) agenda destroyed, actual reality checks are condemned as "politics" and shuffled off to the attic like a senile relation when company comes. Like (prediction) this one :
More than 28 percent of U.S. homeowners with mortgages owed more than their properties were worth in the first quarter as values fell the most since 2008, Zillow Inc. said today.

Homeowners with negative equity increased from 22 percent a year earlier as home prices slumped 8.2 percent over the past 12 months, the Seattle-based company said. About 27 percent of homes with mortgages were “underwater” in the fourth quarter, according to Zillow, which runs a website with property-value estimates and real-estate listings.

Home prices fell 3 percent in the first quarter and will drop as much as 9 percent this year as foreclosures spread and unemployment remains high, Zillow Chief Economist Stan Humphries said.


History shows that all opposition to entrenched oligarchy arises from the middle class.

Communism survived for as long as it did because it designed the middle class out of existence at the very start.

The New World Order will have to follow (indeed already is following) the same model. A population that only has enough to pay for the next day's rent and food will do as it is told.

Michael Rivero

We don't really like reality. We'll just stick our heads in the sand.

Though to be honest, this has been insidiously slow, a stagnation of wages, health insurance shenanigans, and the gradual stripping away of worker's rights. All of it under the guise of patriotism and freedom. The housing market was our reality check, our lives have been out of control for a while now. We'll be lulled into a warm narcotic coma with credit cards and impulse buys, and we'll put off our personal debts a little longer. We'll dream a little dream of a better tomorrow and give up a little more today.

Meanwhile the powers that be close off exits for the working class, and give them the title of middle so they think they can look down on someone else, so they think they're the lucky ones. This generation is being snared and enslaved so they don't have to bother with the next.

If I was underwater, I'd cut my losses. I can't understand anyone that wouldn't. I guess they mistake the rule for the exception.