RYO guys? Gotta question.

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Puff Daddy

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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I have an amount of Kendal Kentucky sitting here. I like the taste of it very much but it just doesn't do well for me in a pipe. Too fine, it's (IMHO) a cigarette shag. I'm wanting to go buy some papers and roll it up. I used to do this a lot with pipe tobacco, back before I smoked a pipe. When I was in high school and college I smoked regular cigarettes but I also really enjoyed rolling up pipe tobacco. It tasted better, burned a lot longer, kept me from inhaling (too strong) and was cheaper, as it lasted me a long time. One negative I remember was the taste of paper. Plain old Zig Zag rolling papers, that's all I ever used. Wondering what the state of good rolling papers is today. Are there some that really offer a better tasting smoke (less burnt paper taste) or are just superior to regular old Zig zags, or should I just go to the discount cig store on the corner and get the Zigs?
Wheat Straws are gonna taste like Wheat Straws . . .

I could do it by hand, and do it well. But a little, cheap RizLa machine did it so much easier I carried one around in the Export A tin. (Got it by the case from the importer).

Violin case in one hand, Export A tin in the other. Business as usual. For years.

I would try hemp papers if you can find them. Amazon carries some.
A couple of those shags are really great when you get the packing just right. I think that's what prompted the Thick Cut version. So it was more forgiving about packing techniques.
I used to do the same thing with pipe tobacco, and I still have the materials lying around for when I have people over who don't smoke a pipe but want to join me out on the patio. I've personally never been able to detect the taste of burning Zig-Zag paper, but I'm sure if you could back in the day, you'll be able to now.
I use Pure Hemp papers from Eacarey (US). You can see through the papers to the tobacco when its rolled. No taste for me. They cost a little more, but they are cheap to begin with. They also have the Stokkebye cigarette tobaccos disguised as pipe tobacco. $29/lb, at least for now.
Got a little $3 thumb roller and some sort of natural papers the guy at the cig store said were about as natural and taste free as he was aware of. Also grabbed a pouch of Stokkebye Amsterdam for shits and giggles.

The Kendal Kentucky absolutely shines when rolled up! :D I just puff on em like little mini cigars and retro-hale through the nose. Damned good tasting stuff. They do go out from time to time, but who cares. This may be the perfect answer for smoking at work. I've already gotten a couple of comments from management wondering how my rolling down the road in a commercial vehicle with a pipe may not be such a safe thing to be doing ( asshole. Perfect safety record during my 12 year tenure there), but they don't seem to care about the cig smokers. May just start taking a few of these with me now and leave the pipe at home. Besides, my average drive time ( and smoke time) is like 20 minutes while running a load to a jobsite. I leave a lot of half smoked pipefuls sitting....

The Stokkebye Amsterdam Halfzware silk cut is nice enough, but is babyfood compared to the Kendal Kentucky. I'll go through this pouch and see how I feel about it. As for the Kendal Kentucky, as soon as I can, I'll be loading up on it.
alfredo_buscatti":4w590j0x said:
They also have the Stokkebye cigarette tobaccos disguised as pipe tobacco. $29/lb, at least for now.
In doing a little research, it seems that Stokkebye got around the enforcement of the ryo tax on some cig tobaccos by changing the cut from superfine shag to a ribbon cut similar to many pipe blends. They burn and taste a bit different. This pouch of Amsterdam I got is an extremely fine cut. It would be interesting to get ahold of some of the Amsterdam pipe tobacco in the ribbon cut just to see for myself.