Samurai Pug

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
There's no other place to do this so here goes...

This is why I love dogs...

I have a three year old male Pug (Watson). He is a classic in terms of Pug behavior. Literally follows me everywhere. Naps for three to four hours after every 30 minutes up and awake. Can go about 60 mph for 50 yards. That's it. Eats like every meal is his last. And his choppers saw through some pretty hefty beef bones like you wouldn't believe. Barks at shadows, is enraged when another animal puts a paw on our property. The Master of his domaine. Is good with everybody he meets...super friendly. Too friendly. But suspicious of strange animals met out and about. Very concerned about arranging his pillows just so...they have to be perfect. Classic Pug.  

And a couple of months ago he injured his spine jumping off a rock wall chasing a cat. Vets want $3000 for an MRI to decide on which $8000 surgery to do. He drags his back feet a little and is much less agile now. But ten grand? Not gonna happen. He seems in no pain...just gimpy.

So tonight he started yapping his head off at the slider that goes out back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What now? I look out there and right in the middle of our yard is a huge I spot him with my 4000 cp high beam light. He just hiss's at me. So I open the door enough to squeeze through, meaning to go out and throw a chunk of wood at him but not wanting the dog out there...right?  But as I'm squeezing out, the Pug is through my legs like a blur. I've still got the Possum spotlighted and he's still hissing. So get this...the Pug, now traveling at about forty miles an hour hit's the Possum square on like a line backer and totally takes him out. But in a flash the Possum leaps about three feet in the air and streaks for the escape route under the deck and is gone. The Pug is a foot behind him the whole time but he can't fit through the hole.

OMG!  You always wonder if the great canine protector ever really would. No question here folks. If you want both your legs, don't be sneaking around our back yard.  lol

Just because a dog is small doesn't mean they haven't got the heart and soul of the mightiest of the species.  That, plus...a 25 pound Pug going 40 mph with a set of buzz saw thanks!

Our hero.

BH, very nice story, thanks for sharing. Sounds like you have a great watchdog/protector. I've noticed all the small dogs I've owned throughout my life were fearless. Actually had two that enjoyed the 4th of July fireworks, my Cairn ( Toto )  would have applauded after each roman-candle if it were possible... and the louder the better!! Now on the other hand I've found larger dogs are afraid of their For example: my granddaughter's dog is a NC Plott Hound, he has a warm, wonderful personality and loves people, but he's afraid of his shadow, literally. This past 4th of July he was so frightened by the fireworks I had a 70 pound dog laying on my lap shaking, just pitiful it was so bad. Had to rock him like a baby. 

When outside in the backyard Luke enjoys running, and he runs like an antelope, that fast. God forbid an animal like a bird or a squirrel decides to appear, he gets them most of the time. However I did train him to come on command using treats, not yelling like some other people living under the same roof as me!  All of my dogs in the past were clicker trained, obedient and were trained by my command off leash. Luke however was not trained by me from the beginning, he's now 5 years old and I'm living with my son for almost 3 years, but you can teach an old dog new tricks and Luke obeys me most every time, boy does that tick my daughter in law Since being retired/disabled if it were not for Luke I would have lost my mind by now!! So, it is true the old adage, dog is mans best friend. 

Great story BH, surprising how all sense of pain can be forgotten when emergencies strike, he's a real Champ.
I hope the little guy isn't in too much pain, animals don't show pain like us weak humans because in the wild
when pain is shown it's seen as weakness and as we know survival of the fittest.
Our old buddy is having a rough time with his back legs also and I give him a 1/4" of a baby aspirin ever so often to relieve him. Although you probably know this I thought I'd mentioned it just in case.
Great story! I'm down to two dachshunds now and both of them have turbos that kick in when they want to. One can even catch rabbits if the rabbit waits too long when the dog spots him!
I grew up with dachshunds in the house (2 in succession) that would also not tolerate an evil do-er putting a paw on our property. The German Shepherd that resided across the street lived in deathly fear of them. They ran a trench in the lawn that led to the neighbor's where a dog biscuit always waited..their bellies dragging in the grass. The squirrels, however, would merrily dance them from tree to tree (big Douglas Firs) while sassing them roundly. So the yard was a shared space.

Our one Big Dog, a mix that was 1/2 Golden Retriever, 1/4 Black Lab and 1/4 Rottweiler...Gracie. A GREAT dog. Not afraid of anything except missing dinner or not getting to lay with her chin resting on your knee, etc. Her bark was such that not only would it sweep our yard clear of pests but it would also cleanse the surrounding neighborhood to a radius of a quarter mile...or so.

The memories of all these family members are as special as the loyal beasts that they are based on.
My female pug B'Lana is like that too. True to her namesake, she gets pretty vicious when it's called for. She'll even help herd the sheep and llamas. If she were a tenth of a second too slow she would be a soccer ball for the petting zoo. But she's not.

Pugs are pretty cool alright, and fearless...
We have a little Yorkie that is all prettied up with bows and ribbons and perfectly groomed, typical tiny sweet ladies lap dog. Problem is, she thinks she's a prize fighting champion pitbull. Someone knocks at the door and an unholy bloody murdererous beast is unleashed. When we walk her on her leash and she encounters another dog she makes certain everyone knows she is the biggest badass on the block and all others best go around. Four pounds of pure terror.

Dogs are such funny things.

That's a beautiful Yorkie all right.  And yeah, a terrier is a terrier. Full of sass and tough as nails.

For a long time I wanted to get a Rat Terrier. Glad I didn't. The 18 hr ON woulda killed me.  The standard Pug 30 min ON to 3 hr OFF is much more my style.

I'm always amazed Pugs weigh so much. They look so small...but at 25 lbs getting tackled by one would be like getting smacked by a couple of bowling balls simultaneously. No wonder that Possum went ass over teacups.

Pug = 30 minutes :bounce: and 3 hrs :sleep:
Yeah, the good thing about the Yorkie is that, though the ON button is definitely "ON", it is short lived. For a terrier they have a lot of quiet time. Darned thing took over half my pillow at night though :x But then I guess I'm lucky she lets me have any of the bed at all :lol:

I knew a lady that had a pair of rat terriers. All I can say about that breed is Oh my God, hell no! They never stop! You chose wisely with the pug.
A great read BH! Sounds like you've got a right one there! I'm getting a lot of pressure from the family, especially the children, to get a small to mid sized dog. Problem is we're out all day so at the moment it's my rational head is prevailing. Who knows though, perhaps in the future a pug could be part of Team Stick.
Hahahaha! That's awesome! I can see it clearly, the mighty pug at full speed chasing down the ugly, nasty, possum!