Snuff vs. pipe smoking

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2008
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After rediscovering (nasal) snuff this year and finally learning to enjoy it, I've found that my frequency of pipe smoking has gone way down. I was never a heavy smoker anyway - averaging perhaps 5 bowls per week. But for the past month I've only smoked a few bowls.


I still prefer the pipe but often do not have the chance to partake due to time, the hour of the day, or some other factor. Grass allergies are right around the corner which significantly curtails pipe smoking for me until mid-July.

Snuff doesn't have the same limitations. I've found snuff to help me with most nasal oriented allergic symptoms for a time. It also gives me a moment of focus and relaxation in small doses.
I have never been a heavy pipe smoker either (usually 3-5 bowls a week maximum) and I doubt I ever will be one. I also doubt that I would smoke more if I didn't take snuff, I haven't found that snuff is exactly a replacement for the enjoyment of a pipe. However, I am fond of mixing the two, doing a little snuff while smoking a bowl.

There are definitely some days where I would love to have an hour or two to myself and enjoy a pipe, and I just don't have the time without burning the midnight oil and for me that usually leads to lack of sleep and illness. Those are the days that snuff is a great surrogate. It's quick, enjoyable and super affordable. All in all though, it still doesn't replace pipe smoking for me.
I generally smoke somewhere in the ballpark of 10-12 bowls per week, though there's a lot of wiggle room and other factors that can actually push that range as wide as 5-15 (or wider).

Snuff hasn't had any real noticeable impact on how much I smoke - or maybe it's best to say that everything else (driving a lot with only myself in the car? on vacation with the missus? seasonal allergies? life is just busy? life just isn't busy?) seems to dictate the time I have for the pipe that any effect snuff has is irrelevant in comparison. Snuff generally augments the pipe, for times when puffing just can't happen.

I'll say that while my pipe usage remains as it usually is, my snuff usages has gone way up over the last six months. DAMN YOU OLD MILL!!!!
My pipe smoking has been highly variable over the years. I've smoked hard and heavy for long periods up to 10-12 bowls in a day for months at a time down to 1-2 bowls in 6 months time. I find that as cold and windy as it gets here that snuff makes a good alternative when I just can't get out to smoke.
